Central Idea
Random Need to Knows
Point of View/ Perspective
Mrs. Camerucci facts

Definition of theme

What is the message or the moral of the story?

Definition of central idea

What is the main idea or driving point or a paper?


Order of a body paragraph

What is claim, evidence, reasoning?

Name the 3 main types of point of view

What is first person, second person, and 3rd person?


Mr. Camerucci's first name

What is "Tyler"


What is the difference between a theme and a theme statement?

A theme is a word or phrase, a theme statement is a sentence that can be applied to our life.


If you are struggling to find the central idea, what is a middle step that can help you determine the central idea?

What is "summarizing each section."


If you encounter a vocabulary word you do not know when reading, what is a strategy you would use to figure it out?

What is context clues or look at roots?


What is the difference between point of view and perspective?

Point of view defines whether is is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, and perspective discusses the way someone sees a something, such as a situation.  


In her free time, Mrs. Camerucci likes to... (2 things!)

What is "cooking and reading"


How does an author develop theme? In other words, what can we look for to help us see the theme?

Look at the character's choices and events and consider what they learned from it.


When answering a Part A/ Part B question, what are two things you must do in order to be successful?

What is reading all the options and making sure Part B supports Part A?


How can changing the point of view impact the perspective?

We will get a different view of the situation with potentially new thoughts and feelings.


Mrs. Camerucci is certified to teach two subjects. What is her other speciality subject?

What is Math?


Why is it important to write a theme without names and specific details?

-To apply to your own life

-To compare to other books


Give an example of a central idea

Example: Unfair treatment of individuals of different races affected their ability to be married to one another 

Discuss the role of Claim, evidence, and reasoning in supporting each other in the body paragraph

Claim: Roadmap for paragraph based on thesis

Evidence: Supports and proves claim.

Reason: Explains evidence and explains how evidence proves claim.


Name the three third person point of views, and define what they are:

Limited: knows the thoughts and feelings of one character but can see everything going on in the story.

Objective: Does not know the thoughts and feelings of any character.

Omniscient: Can see all perspectives and knows all thoughts and feelings of all characters 


Where did Mrs. Camerucci go to collge?

Capital University


What is the theme of this passage? (Mrs. Camerucci show passage on computer!)

Be proud of your heritage and your name.


What central idea is shown in this passage?

Operating a station was a dangerous but important job for the Underground Railroad.


What point of view is shown in this passage, and what is the benefit of this point of view?

1st person, shows you the inside thoughts and feelings of the character


How many siblings does Mrs. Camerucci have? What are the name(s) of the siblings?

1 twin sister named Rachel
