Making Inferences
Context Clues
Superlatives & Comparatives

Choose the best TWO words that describe the root word below. Write your answer on your whiteboard.


a. risk

b. advantage

c. misfortune

d. perk

b. advantage

d. perk


In a short story, the author describes a character as pacing back and forth while waiting for a phone call. What can readers infer about the character's state of mind during this time? 

a. calmness

b. impatient

c. happiness

d. boredom

b. impatient


The detective's keen sense of deduction allowed him to solve even the most complex cases.

What does deductive mean in this sentence?

a. agreement

b. misunderstanding

c. logical reasoning

d. memory

c. logical reasoning


Amelia gazed at the stars from her backyard, pondering the vastness of the universe. The theme of the passage is primarily centered around:

A) Friendship

B) Exploration

C) Fear

D) Technology

B) Exploration


In the story, the author explicitly mentions that the main character is courageous and always willing to help others. This is an example of:

A) Direct characterization

B) Indirect characterization

C) Plot development

D) Setting Description

A) Direct characterization


Choose the correct comparative form of the adjective in the sentence: "The mountain is _______ than the hill."

A) Taller

B) Tall

C) More tall

D) Tallest

A) Taller


Choose the best TWO words that describe the root word below. Write your answer on your whiteboard.


a. compassionate

b. merciless

c. selfish

d. generous

a. compassionate 

d. generous


After finding a torn backpack, scattered papers, and a missing lunchbox in the hallway, students can infer that someone had a ___________.

a. celebration

b. accident

c. surprise

d. adventure 

b. accident


The heavy rainfall caused the river to swell and flood the nearby fields. 

What does the word swell mean in this sentence?

a. shrink

b. expand

c. dry

d. stagnate

b. expand


In a dystopian future, citizens were required to conform to a strict set of rules for the sake of societal harmony. The theme prevalent in this passage is:

A) Conformity

B) Independence

C) Friendship

D) Isolation

A) Conformity


Throughout the novel, the protagonist's actions and choices reveal a deep sense of loyalty to their friends, showcasing the author's use of:

A) Direct characterization

B) Indirect characterization

C) Conflict resolution

D) Symbolism

B) Indirect characterization


What is the superlative form of the adjective in this sentence: "Of all the students, Maria is the _______."

A) Smarter

B) Smartest

C) More smart

D) Smart

B) Smartest


Choose the best TWO words that describe the root word below. Write your answer on your whiteboard.


a. safe

b. harmless

c. harsh

d. violent

a. safe

b. harmless


In a mystery novel, the detective noticed a muddy footprint near the crime scene, leading them to infer that the suspect had recently been ___________. 

a. swimming with friends

b. mowing the yard

c. hiking

d. running

c. hiking


Her mother's leniency when it came to a curfew allowed Sam to stay out late with her friends. 

What does the word leniency mean in this sentence?

a. strictness

b. generosity 

c. tolerance 

d. intelligence

c. tolerance 


In the ancient forest, the wise old owl shared stories with the young animals, emphasizing the importance of learning from one's experiences. The overarching theme in this passage is:

A) Wisdom

B) Competition

C) Independence

D) Ambition

A) Wisdom


The author describes the way a character dresses, the music they listen to, and the posters in their room to give readers insights into their personality. This is an example of:

A) Symbolism

B) Direct characterization

C) Indirect characterization

D) Foreshadowing

C) Indirect characterization


Select the correct comparative form: "This book is _______ than the one I read last week."

A) Interesting

B) More interesting

C) Interestinger

D) Interestful

B) More interesting


Choose the best TWO words that describe the root word below. Write your answer on your whiteboard.

Bona fide

a. false

b. legitimate

c. fake

d. genuine

b. legitimate

d. genuine


The main character received a letter in the mail with no return address and felt a sense of unease. Based on this, readers can infer that the character is likely experiencing ___________. 

A) Excitement

B) Curiosity

C) Fear

D) Joy

c. fear


The chef used a pinch of exquisite spices to make the dish taste superb

What does the word exquisite and superb mean in this sentence? 

a. unpleasant & awful

b. delicious & excellent

c. ordinary & terrible

d. expensive & terrific 

b. delicious & excellent


The protagonist faced a moral dilemma, torn between personal gain and helping others, reflecting the theme of:

A) Ambition

B) Justice

C) Competition

D) Isolation

B) Justice


In the short story, the narrator reveals the main character's thoughts and feelings, allowing readers to understand their motivations. This is an example of:

A) Plot development

B) Foreshadowing

C) Indirect characterization

D) Direct characterization

C) Indirect characterization


What is the superlative form of the adverb in the sentence: "She ran _______ in the race."

A) Faster

B) Most fast

C) More fastly

D) Fastest

D) Fastest


Choose the best TWO words that describe the root word below. Write your answer on your whiteboard.


a. hateful

b. focused

c. bitterness

d. loving

a. hateful

c. bitterness


During a science experiment, students observed that a substance dissolved faster in warm water than in cold water. From this observation, they can infer that ___________. 

A) Warm water is colder than cold water

B) The substance dissolves at the same rate in all temperatures

C) Temperature affects the rate of dissolution

D) Dissolution is unrelated to temperature

c. Temperature affects the rate of dissolution


The hiker needed to navigate through the dense forest using a map and a compass. 

What does navigate mean in this sentence? 

a. get lost in

b. find a shortcut in

c. travel through

d. make a mess in

c. travel through


As the storm raged outside, the characters in the novel found solace and comfort in each other's company, exploring the theme of:

A) Fear

B) Isolation

C) Friendship

D) Ambition

C) Friendship


In literature, the acronym STEAL is often used as a mnemonic device to help readers analyze characters through indirect characterization. What does the "A" in STEAL represent?

A) Action

B) Appearance

C) Antagonism

D) Ambition

B) Appearance


Choose the correct comparative form of the adjective: "The weather in July is _______ than in December."

A) Hotter

B) Hot

C) More hotly

D) Hottest

A) Hotter


Choose the best TWO words that describe the root word below. Write your answer on your whiteboard.


a. praise

b. slander

c. insult

d. ignore

b. slander

c. insult


After analyzing primary sources and eyewitness accounts, historians inferred that the Great Depression had a significant impact on ___________.

A) Stock market profits

B) Global trade

C) Social and economic conditions

D) Technological advancements

C) Social and economic conditions


The children relished the opportunity to spend the day at the amusement park. 

What does the word relished mean in this sentence? 

a. hated

b. enjoyed

c. missed

d. avoided

b. enjoyed


In the bustling city, people hurriedly passed one another without making eye contact, highlighting the theme of:

A) Isolation

B) Friendship

C) Competition

D) Adventure

A) Isolation


When using the STEAL method for indirect characterization, what does the "L" stand for?

A) Language

B) Location

C) Loyalty

D) Leadership

A) Language


What is the superlative form of the adjective in the sentence: "The Eiffel Tower is one of the _______ structures in the world."

A) Tall

B) Taller

C) Tallest

D) More tall

C) Tallest
