What does "quince" mean?
How do you say "mom" and "dad" in Spanish?
Madre y padre
What does "vivir" mean?
to live
What does "camisa" mean?
How do you say "Can I go to the bathroom" in Spanish?
¿Puedo ir al baño?
What does "diecinueve" mean?
How do you say "sister" and "brother" in Spanish?
Hermana y hermano
What does "comer" mean?
To eat
What does "zapatos" mean?
What day is celebrated in the movie "Coco" and what does that day represent?
Día de los Muertos, represents the celebration of our ancestors
How do you say this number in Spanish: 85
ochenta y cinco
What does "nieto" mean?
How do you say "to be able to" in Spanish?
What body parts to you use to play soccer? (I'm thinking of two)
What is the most important lesson that we learn from the movie "Coco"
Family is everything
How do you say this number in Spanish: 73
setenta y tres
How would you say "great grandfather" in Spanish
What do "ser" and "estar" mean? How do you differentiate between them?
ser and estar = "to be"
ser = permanent
estar = temporary
Which of these items would you only wear in the summer?
1. bufanda
2. abrigo
3. vestido
4. chaqueta
vestido = dress
Día de los Muertos is a holiday celebrated in what culture?
Mexican culture
diez, viente, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cien
Solve this riddle:
Elena is my prima, Elena's madre is my mother's hermano. My madre and Elena's madre are Javier's hijas. Javier is my __________________.
You know five verbs that have double meanings. Here are those five verbs, now tell me both meanings for each of them:
Hacer, llegar, querer, saber, decir
hacer: to make, to do
llegar: to come, to arrive
querer: to love, to want
saber: to know, to taste
decir: to tell, to say
Tell me the Spanish words for these items:
eyes, nose, mouth, ears
eyes = ojos
nose = nariz
mouth = boca
ears = orejas
There was an extra credit word on every vocabulary quiz this quarter, and I have them listed below. Tell me what each one means:
Primo/a, amable, corazón
cousin, kind, heart