Summer day in Florida, high humidity, what type of precipitation could you get?
What drives the water cycle?
The Sun
What climate zone can you visit the rainforest?
What tool measures temperature?
Name 4 types of precipitation.
Rain, sleet, snow or hail
Low pressure,temperature below 32 degrees, cirrus clouds. What type of precipitation could you get?
Sleet or snow
What do we call when a gas changes to a liquid?
What are the 3 climate zones?
Temperate, Tropical, Polar
What tool measures humidity in the air?
What is the difference between weather and climate?
Weather is temperature and precipitation of a location hour to hour, day to day.
Climate-is temperature and precipitation averages over longer periods of time of a location
What type of clouds are high in the sky with ice crystals?
Cirrus Clouds
What do we call when a liquid changes to a gas?
What climate zone is close to the equator and name 2 places that are in this zone.
Tropical-Mexico, South America, Belize, Indonesia, Columbia ( hot areas)
What tool measures air pressure?
It is above 32 degrees F, windy, and the weatherperson warns to stay inside because of what type of precipitation?
Name and describe 4 cloud types and what they look like.
Cirrus-high up wispy
Cumulus-fluffy white
Stratus-low to ground gray
Cumulonimbus-dark large
What do we call when the sun takes water from plants?
What climate zone is farthest from the equator and name 2 places that are in this zone.
Polar-North and South poles, Northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Antarctica
What tool measures wind speed and what measures wind direction?
Direction-Wind Vane
What type of weather does high and low pressure bring?
High Pressure-Sunny, fair weather-(happy weather)
Low Pressure-rain, sleet or snow cloudy (lousy weather)
Name 4 cloud types and weather they can bring.
Cirrus-fair weather but may change in 24 hours
Cumulus-sunny fair weather
Stratus-Rain if warm-snow if below 32 degrees F
Cumulonimbus- Rain, hail, thunderstorm, tornados.
Name and describe the 5 steps of the water cycle.
Evaporation-sun changes liquid on ground to a gas called water vapor.
Transpiration-water taken from plants
Condensation-gas cools high in the sky and changes into a liquid forming clouds
Precipitation-Water falls from the clouds
Run off-water on the ground moves
Name 3 climate zones and 2 characteristics for each.
Tropical-hot, near equator, high humidity or dry desert, rainforest
Temperate-All seasons, most of US , deciduous forests
Polar-Ice and snow, North and South poles, far from equator
Describe weather from the rain shadow effect on two sides of a mountain.
Wind is caused by
Wind is caused by differences in air pressure, where air naturally moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, which are typically created by uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the sun; essentially, wind is the movement of air from high to low pressure zones.