The space around you.
What is personal space or bubble.
I like watching basketball, football, volleyball, soccer and more.
What are sports.
when you first meet someone, what do you call them
What is an aquaintance?
Anything on the internet that makes someone feel sad or unsafe.
What is Cyberbullying.
You are excited for the weekend. What Zone are you in?
Protects you from germs and illness.
What is hand washing and good hygiene.
I wonder if it will rain today.
What is the weather.
After you get to know someone at work.
What is a work friend.
One of the first steps to stop cyberbullying
What is Lay low online.
Don't post or comment on social media.
You are tired. What zone are you in?
I do this twice a day.
What is brush teeth.
I really like listening country and rock ________.
What is music.
Someone you text or call that is not related to you.
What is a friend.
Someone who searches the internet for people to bother.
What is a troll.
You are calm and ready to learn. What zone are you in?
You arrive to work a few minutes before you are required.
What is being on time.
I play on my phone, but some people have a counsel or a tablet.
What are video games.
Someone you trust not to tell a secret.
What is a good friend.
You should do this after trying a few different strategies to stop Cyberbullying.
What is BLOCK the BULLY.
You are terrified. What zone are you in?
You are told to wipe the tables then empty the trash, so you do it.
What is following directions.
Last night I watched.
What is TV or Movie.
Someone who is friendly, but not a friend.
What is a teacher or trusted adult.
One effective way to stop Cyberbullying.
What is have a friend stand up for you. Especially if on a group text.
You are moving slow but feeling good. What zone are you in?
Blue or Green or Teal