Read and Identify the Device
True or False
Similes and Metaphors
All about Symbolism

Define Glee

a feeling of great happiness, excitement, or joy. It often implies a sense of lightheartedness and delight.


The flowers danced in the gentle breeze, smiling up at the sun.



Metaphors and similes are interchangeable literary devices, often serving the same purpose in literature.

False: Metaphors directly equate two unlike things, while similes use "like" or "as" to make comparisons.


This literary device compares two unlike things using the words "like" or "as."



Define Symbolism

A figure of speech in which a person, situation, word, or object is used to represent another thing.


Define Inward

something directed or moving towards the inside or internal. It can describe a physical movement, such as something moving towards the interior of an object, or it can describe a mental or emotional state, indicating thoughts or feelings turned inward or focused internally.


The towering mountain stood still; a silent guardian over the valley below.

Metaphor, Personification


Personification, while commonly used in literature, is rarely effective in conveying deeper meanings or themes.

False: Personification is a powerful literary device that enhances the depth and meaning of the text by attributing human qualities to non-human entities.


In "The moon was like a glowing pearl in the night sky," what literary device is being used to compare the moon to a pearl?



What is an example of how the author of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" used personification to create symbolism?

He attributes human qualities to nature to create symbolism. For example, when the author describes the daffodils "dancing" and "tossing their heads in sprightly dance," he is personifying the flowers. This personification serves to symbolize the joy and liveliness that the daffodils bring to the speaker.


What is the word that is used to describe someone who is deeply thoughtful, often with a hint of sadness or seriousness?



The old, abandoned house loomed in the distance, its dark windows staring like empty eyes.

Symbolism, Personification, Simile


True or False: Foreshadowing is a subtle literary technique that allows authors to hint at future events without directly revealing them to the reader.

True: Foreshadowing is indeed a subtle technique used by authors to hint at future events in the plot, often adding suspense and anticipation to the narrative.


This literary device directly equates two unlike things, stating that one thing is another.



What are two types of symbolism?

Character Symbolism

Color Symbolism

Nature Symbolism



Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word: 

As the storm approached, we saw a sudden __________ of lightning illuminate the dark sky.



The rising sun, like a golden coin, signaled the beginning of a new day filled with endless possibilities.

Simile, Foreshadowing


True or False -  The following sentence is an example of symbolism:

"Our loyalty is to the crown"

True - The crown acts as a symbol of royalty (typically referencing a king or queen)


Interpret the metaphor: "She was a light of hope in a sea of despair."

The metaphor "She was a beacon of hope in a sea of despair" suggests that the person being described stands out as a source of optimism and encouragement amidst a surrounding atmosphere of gloom and hopelessness.


True or False: In literature, symbolism is always explicitly stated by the author (be sure to explain your answer)

FALSE -  In literature, symbolism is often inferred by readers through careful analysis of the text and its context, and it may not always be explicitly stated by the author.


Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word:

Her eyes were distant, and her stare seemed _______________, as if she were lost in thought.



The ominous clouds gathered overhead, hinting at the impending storm that would soon unleash its fury upon the town.

Symbolism and Foreshadowing


True or False - the following passage only an example of symbolism:

"The river, its gentle flow whispering like a soothing voice, seemed to hug the protagonist's footsteps as they gently walked through its currents, each ripple demonstrating the futile attempt to wash away the weight of guilt carried within"

False - though this passage utilizes symbolism it is NOT the ONLY device used. It also uses personification!!!


What figurative language technique is used in the sentence and what two things are being compared: "His anger burned as fiercely as a wildfire raging through a dry forest"?

Simile - his anger and a wildfire in a dry forest


What is the connection between symbolism and foreshadowing in literature?

Authors can use objects or elements to represent deeper meanings that begin to hint at future events. 
