Developed the law of falling bodies
Who was Galileo Galilei
Puritan and founder of Boston
John Winthrop
Explored the northern coast of Australia and confirmed a great land “down under”
Who was Willem Janszoon?
Year that Shakespeare was established as an actor and playwright in London
When was 1592?
Author of Don Quixote
Who was Miguel de Cervantes?
First to accurately observe a supernova
Who was Tycho Brahe?
Names of the Pilgrim's ships
What were the Speedwell and the Mayflower?
The father of New France
Who was Samuel de Champlain?
Year that Jamestown was founded
When was 1607?
William Shakespeare's birthplace
Where was Stratfor-upon-Avon?
French mathematician
Who was René Descartes?
Her real name was Matoaka; married John Rolfe
Who was Pocahantas?
“Navigator" to the English; “pirate” to the Spanish
Who was Sir Francis Drake?
Year that William the Silent lead the Dutch revolt
When was 1581?
Ushered in the Age of Reason
Who was Francis Bacon?
Discovered 3 laws of planetary motion
Who was Johannes Kepler?
The settlement John Smith helped establish
What is Jamestown?
Built one of the largest navies ever (“Invincible Armada”)
Who was Phillip II?
Year that the Pilgrims landed at New Plymouth
When was 1620?
Names of the Pilgrim's two ships
What were the Speedwell and Mayflower?
Formalized the “personal essay”/known as a Skeptic
Who was Michel de Montaigne?
Two men, a Wampanoag chief and a Pawtuxet scout, who were invited by Governor William Bradford to the first Thanksgiving
Who was Chief Massasoit and Squanto?
Introduced potatoes & tobacco to Ireland & England
Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?
Year that Tokugawa Ieyasu made it illegal to be a Christian in Japan
When was 1612?
Four phases of the 30 Years War in order
What were the Bohemian Revolt, Danish Invasion, Swedish Charge, and French Involvement?