In what country is Persepolis set?
This is the main religion practiced in Iran.
This is a box in a comic that contains an image. There are usually many of these on one page.
A panel.
When someone is killed for their beliefs, this person is a "_______"
This is the full name of "Marji" in Persepolis. The name of the book's author.
Marjane (Satrapi)
Iran and other countries in the middle east are in this continent.
Some of these are thin and some are wide. These are used by artists to outline characters, facial expressions, and settings.
A line.
This is a term for someone who has a positive outlook on life.
What is the name of the King of Iran? He is in power in 1953 and overthrown in 1979 near the start of Persepolis.
The Shah (Reza)
Persepolis is told in this visual color palette.
Black and white.
This is the term used when a government is overthrown.
A coup.
What type of government (ending in -ocracy) takes power after the Shah is overthrown?
A theocracy - The Islamic Republic
What is one of the large western countries responsible for overthrowing Iran's democracy in 1953?
The U.S.A
or the U.K.
This is the part of the image where the viewer's eye goes.
A focal point.
This term describes a system of government controlled by a religion or religious leaders.
A theocracy.
What is the name of Marji's maid? She is unable to be with someone of a higher social class.
After the Shah was overthrown in 1953, which religion takes power within the government?
This is a repeated image within a comic book or an artist's work.
A visual motif.
This is a term used when one country sees itself as superior (prefix: imperial-) and believes that it should take control over another country.
This is the philosopher Marji reads with the first name "Karl." He is the writer of "The Communist Manifesto"
Karl Marx