Define dilemma
A difficult choice or choosing between two bad options
What is the rights approach to ethical decisions?
The rights approach looks to consider the rights of all the people/things affected. The best answer is the one that violates the least amount of rights.
Why is it important to have a credible source?
Define universal
Universal means that something applies to everything - there are no exceptions
What is utilitarianism/the utilitarian approach?
Utilitarianism focuses on the greatest possible happiness for the most amount of people. The best choice is the one that brings everyone the most happiness.
Correct this sentence:
When you are in a self-driving car, it is important to be careful.
There are no errors.
Define morals
Morals are personal and individual, they are your personal standards for deciding what is right and wrong
What is the virtue approach to ethical decision making?
The virtue approach asks the person making a decision to consider what makes them the best person they can be. The best answer is the one that answers "what will make me a better person?"
Correct this sentence with capital letters and punctuation:
henrietta Lacks! is a Sad story
Henrietta Lacks is a sad story.
Define rights
Rights are things that a person is allowed to do or be or have, without exception (example: the right to free speech in America)
What approach does the Trolley Problem use?
The utilitarian approach
What is a summary?
When you read something and are able to shorten what it said and then retell it in your own words.
Define ethics
Ethics are the community sets of rules that help decide good and evil or right and wrong
What is the dilemma of the self-driving car?
The dilemma is that the programmer has to decide ahead of time what to do in an accident instead of just react.
Find the main idea of the following:
"She's usually identified as Helen Lane, but often she has no name at all. She's simply called HeLa, the code name given to the world's first immortal human cells - her cells, cut from her cervix just months before she died."
Best answer: The author is telling us the history of the name given to the first immortal human cells gathered.