The definition of an adverbial element.
What is a word or phrase that acts as an adverb?
Adjectives modify / describe these parts of speech.
What are nouns and pronouns?
The question we ask to determine if there is a direct object.
What is "Who or What" after the verb?
A sentence type that uses two independent clauses.
What is a compound sentence?
Prepositions show the _____________ between words in a sentence.
What is relationship?
The words how, when, where, why, and how are called ______________.
What are interrogative adverbs?
Adverbs can modify / describe these parts of speech.
What are verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs?
A predicate nominative does this to a subject.
What is rename?
The first step in analyzing a sentence.
What is look for conjunctions?
Prepositional phrases can act as either one.
What are adjectives or adverbs?
An adverbial element describes these parts of speech.
What are verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs?
When analyzing a sentence, these words are phrases are labeled underneath the sentence.
What are modifiers?
The reason that subjects, verbs, and objects are placed above a sentence being analyzed.
What are principal elements?
The names of the conjunctions that are used in a compound sentence.
What are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so?
All prepositional phrases must have one.
What is an object?
This part of speech modifies a principal element but cannot act as an adverb.
What is an adjective?
The questions an adjective can answer.
What are what kind, which one, how many, and whose?
Predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives both use this type of verb.
What is a linking verb?
A complex sentence has these clauses.
The position where prepositional phrases need to be in a sentence.
What is next to the word they modify?
In this sentence, the italicized words are called ________________.
Why did he enter the race with Franklin that day anyway?
What is an adverbial noun phrase?
The questions an adverb can answer.
What are how, when, where, to what extent, and sometimes why?
The type of verb that can have an object.
What is transitive?
The words that can begin a subordinate clause?
What are: when, while, where, as, since, if, although, and because?
Clauses have to have one.
What are verbs?