Character Traits
Story Elements

What is a growth mindset? 

A. the belief that intelligence and personality can not be changed.

B. the belief that intelligence and personality can be changed.

C.the belief that there is no such thing as intelligence and having a personality.

B. the belief that intelligence and personality can be changed.


What is an example of a tough question a character may ask themself?

A. " What cereal should I eat for breakfast?"

B. "Why are they treating me this way?"

C. "What is my phone number ?"

B. "Why are they treating me this way?"

When you are reading and the character is confused or uncertain and asks him/herself a difficult question that doesn't have an easy answer…


What is an example of a negative character trait?







What is the definition of characters in a story?

A. Where and when the story takes place.

B. The main events in a story.

C. People or animals in a story.

D. The message in a story.

C. People or animals in a story.


What is an incomplete sentence called?

Example "the Halloween party"


What is a fixed mindset?

The belief that personality and intelligence can NOT be changed.


What is a memory moment?

When a character interrupts the flow of the story by because of a flashback or memory.


No one wants to play with Jackie because she always tells everyone else what to do. She insists that everyone do things her way and will not listen to anyone else's ideas.

Which character trait best describes Jackie?

1. Loyal

2. Rude



3. Bossy


Christina walked into her new classroom on the first day of school. It was bright, with posters and colorful pictures on the walls. The room smelled like freshly sharpened pencils and desks were paired in groups around the room. Which story element is being described in this passage?

A. Problem


C. Solution

B. Setting


What type of sentence is the following?

I can't wait to visit Mexico next summer with my family!



Which two quotes/sayings show a fixed mindset?

A. I’m afraid of making mistakes. 

B. Challenges make me better. 

C. With practice this will get easier. 

D.I don’t need to try, this is easy for me. 

​A. I’m afraid of making mistakes.

D.I don’t need to try, this is easy for me.  ​

What is an aha moment?

When a character has a sudden realization about something.


Carlos always seems to have a smile on his face. Nothing seems to get him down. When the baseball game that he had been looking forward to got cancelled because of the rain, Carlos said it would gibe him a chance to catch up on his reading.

Which character trait best describes Carlos?

1. Loyal

2. Dishonest




-Someone who is cheerful will focus on what has, is, and can work, rather than on what is problematic.


Amanda knew that the right thing to do would be to return the stuffed animal she stole. She remembered what her mom always told her : "Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do." Which story element is being described in this passage?

A. Theme

B. Character 

D. Setting

A. Theme


Write an imperative sentence with the word laundry.

A sentence with a command. ( !, .)


Write two quotes or sayings that show a growth mindset.

" I can learn to do anything I want"

"Challenges help me to grow"

"I like to try new things"

"Failure is an opportunity to grow"


Write the anchor question for contrasts and contradictions.

"Why would the character act this way?


Every night, Emily picks out her outfit for the next day. Then she packs her backpack and double checks to make sure she has everything she needs. She always keeps a few spare pencils and plenty of extra notebook paper in her binder, just in case.

Which character trait best describes Emily?



Ashley and Michael were all ready to go camping for the weekend. On their drive to Kaaterskill Falls it started down pouring. They checked the weather app and saw that the rain was only going to stop in over a day. They were so upset and had to turn back home because of the awful weather.

What type of conflict is shown in the passage?

- Person vs. Nature


Complete the following sentences.

Reading is important because _____________.

Reading is important but _______________.

Reading is important so ________________.

Answers may vary ....


Write two ways we can develop a growth mindset.

Seek/Accept Feedback

Accept challenges

Learning from mistakes

Embracing failure

Power of "yet"


Give an example from different texts/movies for one of the following signposts:

Contrasts & Contradictions

Aha Moment

- Contrasts and Contradictions (Thank You, Ma'am by Langston Hughes) Luella Bates Washington takes the robber home.

- Aha Moment (Snack Attack Example Video) Old Lady eats the young boys cookies not realizing that they belong to him.


Cara loves to play pretend games with her friends. She also enjoys writing stories. Cara has created an entire mythical world full of dragons, unicorns, trolls and fairies.

Which character traits best describes Cara?

Answers may vary.

(Creative, Imaginitive)


Write a short paragraph that describes the story element:


Answers may vary.


Name the 4 types of sentences and the definitions of each.

Imperative (!, . )- a command

Interrogative (?)- a question

Declarative (.)- a statement 

Exclamatory (!)-  expresses sudden or strong emotions and feelings
