Motion Graphs
Kinematic Equations

Describe all of the types of slopes that may be seen on the following graphs:

Position vs. Time:

Velocity vs. Time:

Acceleration vs. Time:

Position vs. Time: curved, diagonal or horizontal

Velocity vs. Time: diagonal or horizontal

Acceleration vs. Time: ONLY horizontal


A skier starting from rest skis straight down a slope 50. meters long in 5.0 seconds. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the skier?


d = vot + 1/2at2


Describe the motion in the x- and y- directions for both a horizontal and angled projectile.

Horizontal -->
x-direction: constant velocity
y-direction: free fall

Angled -->
x-direction: constant velocity
y-direction: throwing upwards


Describe the motion of an object when it is in equilibrium.

It is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity


Describe the difference between distance and displacement.

Distance is a scalar quantity that includes every step taken.

Displacement is a vector quantity that is the difference between the final position and the initial position.


What physical quantity does the slope represent on the following graphs:

position vs. time

velocity vs. time

position vs. time --> velocity

velocity vs. time --> acceleration


A skier starting from rest skis straight down a slope 50. meters long in 5.0 seconds. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the skier?

a = 4 m/s2


A golf ball is propelled with an initial velocity of 60. meter per second at 37º above the horizontal. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the golf ball's initial velocity.

vox = 47.9 m/s

voy = 36.1 m/s


Write your own definition for the following forces:

Normal Force

Frictional Force 

Tension Force

Normal Force- a supportive force acting on an object by the surface it's in contact with

Frictional Force- an opposing the motion of an object

Tension Force- an applied force used when there is string, rope, wire, etc. involved


Object A is 2 kg mass moving at 10 m/s.  Object B is a 10 kg object moving at 2 m/s.  Object C is a 7 kg mass moving at 3 m/s.  

Which object has the greatest inertia?

Inertia = mass

Object B


What physical quantity does the area below the line represent on the following graphs:

velocity vs. time

acceleration vs. time

velocity vs. time --> distance or displacement

acceleration vs. time --> change in velocity


As a car is driven south in a straight line with decreasing speed, the acceleration of the car must be
A) directed northward
B) directed southward
C) zero
D) constant, but not zero

A) directed northward

Speeding Up --> acceleration and velocity have the same sign (+a +v  or  -a -v)

Slowing down --> acceleration and velocity have opposite signs (+a -v  or  -a +v)


t = 2.45 s

d = 12.3 m

vfx = 5 m/s

vfy = -24.5 m/s


What force is needed to give an electron an acceleration of 1.00 x 1010 m/s2?

9.11 x 10-21 N


When an object is thrown vertically upwards, its speed ______________ as it moves upwards, and ______________ as it moves downwards.

decreases (as it moves upwards)

increases (as it moves downwards)


Draw the velocity vs. time graph for an object in free fall.

a graph with a positive, diagonal slope showing velocity starting from rest and increasing


A 3.00-kilogram mass is thrown vertically upward with an initial speed of 9.80 meters per second. What is the maximum height this object will reach? [Neglect friction.]

vf2 = vo2 +2ad

d = 4.8m


Object A is dropped from the top of a cliff.  Object B is thrown horizontally from the same cliff at the same time that Object A is released.  Compared to Object A, when will Object B hit the ground?  Justify your answer.

They will hit the ground at the same time.  Vertically, their motions are the exact same- they're traveling the same vertical distance, gravity is the acceleration for both, they both have vertical initial velocities of 0 m/s, so they will take the same amount of time to fall.


A 55-kilogram ice skater slides across a level ice surface and the force of friction acting on the skates has a magnitude of 11 newtons.

Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ice skater and the ice.



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Draw the position vs. time graph for an object in free fall.

a graph showing a curved line slope where the slope is getting steeper


A ball is thrown horizontally at a speed of 24 meters per second from the top of a cliff. If the ball hits the ground 4.0 seconds later, approximately how high is the cliff?

d = vot + (1/2)at2

d = 78m


vox = 6.44 m/s

voy = 2.74 m/s

ttop = 0.27 s

ttotal = 0.54 s

dy = 0.38 m

dx = 3.48 m


A 150-newton force, applied to a wooden crate at an angle of 30.° above the horizontal, causes the crate to travel at constant velocity across a horizontal wooden floor, as represented above.

Calculate the magnitude of the force of gravity of the wooden crate.

Fg = 505 N


A 1.20 × 103 kilogram car is traveling east at 25 meters per second. The brakes are applied and the car is brought to rest in 5.00 seconds. State the direction of the acceleration of the car.

