Post Civil War South
Westward Expansion/Source Credibility
IR/Progressive Era
Founding Documents

Which group's actions reflect a pattern of intolerance towards immigrants during the late 19th and early 20th Century?

The Ku Klux Klan 


 How did westward expansion of White Settlement affect Native Americans?

  1.  White settlers were searching for gold and Native Americans were recruited as workers.

  2. White settlers wanted the land for farms, and used Native Americans as slaves.

  3. White settlers wanted the land for its natural resources and drove native Americans out of their land

  4. White settlers wanted to be the first group to reach the Pacific and raced native Americans to the coast.

White settlers wanted the land for its natural resources and drove native Americans out of their land


Which factor led to the growth of labor unions during the 1900’s

  1. Low wages paid to immigrant farm workers

  2. Unsafe working conditions in large factories

  3. Consumer anger over tariffs on imported goods

  4. Increased rates of unemployment on imported goods

Unsafe working conditions in large factories


This Muckraker led to the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act along with the Meat Inspection Act after his book The Jungle was written?

Upton Sinclair


 What criticism did the Anti-Federalist express about the Constitution during the ratification process?

  1. The Constitution granted too little power to the Supreme Court

  2. The Constitution prohibited state governments from collecting taxes

  3. The Constitution failed to adequately protect the rights of its citizens

  4. The Constitution provided the President with too little power to effectively govern. 



What impact did Jim Crow Laws have on African Amerians living in the South?

  1. The laws made it illegal for African Americans to own land

  2. The laws made it legal to discriminate against African Americans

  3. The laws prohibited the limitation of voting rights for African Americans

  4. The laws helped ensure the full participation of African Americans in Southern Society.

The laws made it legal to discriminate against African Americans


 What was the effect of most treaties between the United States government and American Indian Tribes?

  1. The protection of American Indian Property Rights

  2. The enlistment of many American Indians into the armed forces

  3. The Promotion of economic development in American Indian Communities

  4. The removal or loss of American Indian land

The removal or loss of American Indian land


 How did rapid industrialization during the 1800’s affect the U.S. workforce?

  1. Many women who had previously worked in urban factories lost their jobs

  2. The unemployment rate increased as a the demand for labor decreased

  3. Many factory workers moved to rural areas

  4. There was an increased number of immigrants who were seeking work in factories located in urban areas.

There was an increased number of immigrants who were seeking work in factories located in urban areas.


This was created as a result of forest being destroyed for their natural resources?

The National Park Service


Which excerpt from the Declaration of Independence describes the idea of natural rights?

  1. " . . . . all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with . . . Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

  2. "He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly…

  3. "We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations . . ."



What was one effect of Jim Crow laws on marriage?

Prohibits inter-racial marriage 


What was the outcome of the Dawes Act of 1887?

  1. It provided services to American Indians in the United States

  2. It reduced the size of reservations and divided tribal land amongst individuals

  3. It established reservations for American Indians in the Western United States

  4. It created an official government agency in charge of negotiating treaties with Native Americans

It reduced the size of reservations and divided tribal land amongst individuals


Name two reasons for why workers went on strike?

Poor working conditions and wanting to protect their rights


Immigration, internal migration, and urbanization transformed American life around the turn of the 20th century. Which choices show the effects of immigration around the turn of the 20th century? Select all the correct answers.

A. diffused more traits into American culture
B. urbanization
C. increased unemployment rates
D. construction of tenement buildings
E. overcrowding in cities
F. increased percentage of Americans living in rural areas

A, B, D, E


Which precedent was set by the Northwest Ordinance and later included in the U.S. Constitution?    

  1. the guarantee of a right to trial by jury

  2. the creation of a federal system of government

  3. the establishment of full voting rights for women

  4. the denial of property rights to American Indians

the guarantee of a right to trial by jury


What this Supreme Court case allowed "separate but equal" and supported Jim Crow Laws creation. 

Plessy V. Ferguson 


A student is researching popular culture in the United States.  She has found a book on the subject and will need to determine whether it is a credible source.

Which piece of information should she evaluate to determine the source's credibility?

  1. The age of the author

  2. The length of the book 

  3. The Author’s qualifications

  4.  The city the book was published in

The Author’s qualifications


What were two of results of Urbanization?

Increased Crime and Tenement Housing


Which description characterizes Progressivism?

  1. Progressivism was a religious movement sought to revive the role of religion in America?

  2. Progressivism was an economic system in which central government planners made economic decisions.

  3. Progressivism was an economic and political philosophy that promoted the public ownership of property and wealth,

  4. Progressivism was a reform movement that emerged in response to political corruption, the practices of big business, and problems associated with poverty. 

Progressivism was a reform movement that emerged in response to political corruption, the practices of big business, and problems associated with poverty.


Consent of the governed is included in the Declaration of Independence, NW Ordinance (republican), and the  Constitution.  What does this mean?

People living will be able to vote for government officials who they want to represent them. 


How did the removal of federal troops after Reconstruction change the south?

  1. It permitted Radical Republicans to gain increased influence in the government.

  2. It had little effect on southern states because Reconstruction had been largely successful

  3. It ensured African Americans would continue to vote and have a say in the local government.

  4. It allowed racial discrimination to be institutionalized with the passage of Jim Crow Laws

It allowed racial discrimination to be institutionalized with the passage of Jim Crow Laws


Historians evaluate the credibility of sources using a number of criteria.  What is one of the criteria for historians to consider?

  1. Ease of availability of the source

  2. The race and gender of the source’s author

  3. The accuracy and internal consistency of the source

  4. The payment made by the publisher to the source’s author

The accuracy and internal consistency of the source


What was the impact of mechanized farming on American society during Industrialization?

It reduced the amount of human labor/farmers needed while also increasing the amount of agricultural production


One effect of industrialization in the United States in the late 1800's was the organization of labor unions.  Why did the creation of labor unions often lead to violence?

A. Union leaders would not negotiate.

B. Union leaders required workers to join worldwide strikes.

C.  Government officials used force to bring about better working conditions.

D. Business owners used force to protect their workplace from unionization 

 Business owners used force to protect their workplace from unionization


Summarize the arguments for both the Federalist and Anti-Federalist

Federalist- Wanted the Constitution to strengthen Fed gov.  Bill of rights was not necessary and rights do not need to be explicitly stated.

Anti-Feds- Wanted the Bill of Rights and not the Constitution, believed it would make fed gov too strong and the President a king.  Rights need to be stated. 
