House Taken Over
House Of Usher
House Of Usher II
House taken over II

What is the significance of the house in House Taken Over? 

 It represents financial instability and discomfort.
 It symbolizes the weight of tradition and family duty.
It reflects the protagonists’ adventurous spirit.
It has no symbolic meaning.

What is It symbolizes the weight of tradition and family duty.


The narrator's boyhood friend

Who is Roderick Usher


How does Poe create a sense of inevitability and doom throughout the story? 

-Through the slow collapse of the physical house and Roderick’s mental state.
- By revealing the characters’ futures early in the story.
-By emphasizing the theme of personal responsibility.                                                        - By introducing supernatural elements from the start.

What is Through the slow collapse of the physical house and Roderick’s mental state.


What is Irenes thing to do while in the house?

What is Knitting 

The season of the year this story took place
What is autumn

How do Irene and her brother’s daily routines reinforce the theme of fear/denial in House Taken Over? 

 Their routines reflect their awareness of the impending threat.
 Their refusal to leave the house shows their fear/ denial of change.
They plan for the inevitable loss of the house but act slowly.
 They openly discuss their fear of the unknown.

 What is Their refusal to leave the house shows their fear/denial of change.

The man who comes to the House of Usher to take care of his ailing friend
Who is the unnamed narrator

In what way do the themes of isolation and madness intertwine in The Fall of the House of Usher? 

The Usher family’s isolation from society protects them from madness.
-Roderick’s madness drives his need for isolation, worsening his condition.
-The house isolates Roderick, leading to his eventual recovery.
-Madness is unrelated to the family’s isolation.

What is Roderick’s madness drives his need for isolation, worsening his condition.


What does the Narrator do after his books are caught in a part of the house that was "taken over?

Re organizes his Grandpas collection. 

The relation of Roderick and Madeline Usher
What are twins

How does Cortázar build tension in House Taken Over without ever showing what takes over the house?
A) By using dramatic descriptions of the invaders.
B) By emphasizing the characters’ psychological responses.
C) By revealing the invaders gradually.
D) By having the characters interact with the invaders.

What is By emphasizing the characters’ psychological responses.


 How does Poe use the weather to enhance the mood in The Fall of the House of Usher?

 -The clear sky emphasizes the eerie calm of the house.
- The storm outside mirrors the rising tension within the house.                                                             - The weather remains neutral, unaffected by events.
- Poe contrasts a peaceful day with the chaos inside the Usher mansion.

What is The storm outside mirrors the rising tension within the house.


What does the physical collapse of the Usher mansion symbolize in the story? 

-The decay of aristocratic families.
-The triumph of nature over human efforts.
-The destruction of family ties and the end of the Usher bloodline.
-The need for new life and beginnings.

The destruction of family ties and the end of the Usher bloodline.


What might the “taking over” of the house symbolize in Cortázar’s story?
A) The threat of external forces like war or political oppression.
B) The inevitability of natural disasters.
C) The family’s gradual acceptance of modern technology.
D) A supernatural event beyond comprehension.

What is The threat of external forces like war or political oppression or fear of the unknown

The reason the narrator came to the House of Usher
What is to comfort and entertain his boyhood friend

 How does the relationship between Irene and her brother compare to that of Roderick and Madeline Usher?
A) Both pairs of siblings are independent and live separate lives.
B) Both sets of siblings rely on each other to maintain their isolated existence.
C) Irene and her brother are indifferent to each other, unlike the Ushers.
D) The Usher siblings are much closer than Irene and her brother.

 What is Both sets of siblings rely on each other to maintain their isolated existence.


Which of the following best exemplifies Roderick Usher’s fear of his family’s fate?
- His obsession with painting landscapes.                  -His decision to isolate himself from the outside world.
-His belief in the curse on his bloodline and his family’s inevitable destruction.
- His desire to sell the house and leave.

What is His belief in the curse on his bloodline and his family’s inevitable destruction.


How does the story’s first-person narration affect the reader’s perception of events in The Fall of the House of Usher? 

It makes the reader feel detached from the events.
It offers a clear and unbiased account of Roderick’s life.
 It enhances the uncertainty and unreliability of the events described.
It makes the narrator seem knowledgeable and authoritative.

 What is It enhances the uncertainty and unreliability of the events described.


How does Cortázar create a sense of inevitability in House Taken Over?
A) By gradually revealing the true identity of the invaders.
B) By having the characters discuss the invaders constantly.
C) Through the slow but steady encroachment of the unknown force.
D) By providing clear evidence of what is taking over.

What is Through the slow but steady encroachment of the unknown force.


What is the function of the narrator in the resolution of the story?

What is The narrator’s presence serves only as a witness to the fall of the house.


What is the significance of the characters never naming the force that invades the house?
A) It suggests that the threat is imagined.
B) It universalizes the feeling of helplessness and fear.
C) It weakens the sense of fear for the reader.
D) It reduces the importance of the plot.

What is It universalizes the feeling of helplessness and fear.


Which of the following best illustrates how the physical state of the Usher mansion reflects Roderick Usher’s mental state?

 -The house is stable, but Roderick is mentally unstable.
-The decay of the mansion parallels Roderick’s psychological breakdown.
-The house improves as Roderick’s mental state deteriorates.                                                          - The state of the house is irrelevant to Roderick’s condition.

 What is The decay of the mansion parallels Roderick’s psychological breakdown.


 Which literary device does Poe most rely on to create the atmosphere in The Fall of the House of Usher? 

Personification of the house.
Satirical commentary on society.
Juxtaposition of light and dark.
Symbolism of Pallas

What is Personification of the house.


 Why do Irene and her brother so readily abandon their home at the end of House Taken Over?
A) They realize that resistance is futile.
B) They finally understand what is taking over.
C) They were eager to leave the house all along.
D) They receive help from neighbors.

What is They realize that resistance is futile.

The beast Ethelred battles in "Mad Trist"
What is a dragon