Sexy Times
Grab Bag
"Don't be a drag, just be a queen" is this diva's most recent tagline.
Who is Lady Gaga?
This military policy was originally signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993, and was recently repealed.
What is Don't Ask, Don't Tell?
This is a device used to prevent STI transmission through oral contact with vaginal or anal fluids.
What is a dental dam?
This series of riots, named after the bar in which they began, took place in June of 1969 and are commonly considered to be the start of the gay rights movement in America.
What are the Stonewall riots?
In this film, a group of drag queens embark on a journey in a bus topped with a large heeled shoe.
What is "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert?"
These twin indie rockers from the Great White North have found success with albums such as "Sainthood" and "The Con."
Who are Tegan and Sara?
This Missouri legislative act (which has been put forth and not voted through for the past 10 years) would prohibit discrimination in terms of housing, employment, and access to public services in the state of Missouri based on gender identity or sexual orientation.
What is the Missouri Nondiscrimination Act (MONA)?
This sex toy was sold in the Sears and Roebuck catalog during the early 20th century, and today the only place to acquire one in Kirksville is Walgreens or the intarwebs.
What is the vibrator?
This symbol, commonly associated with the GLBTQ community, originally came about as a badge used by Nazi concentration camps to identify gay male prisoners.
What is the pink triangle?
This filmmaker, a major contributor to New Queer Cinema in the early 1990s, has since gained mainstream success for directing films such as "Far From Heaven" and "I'm Not There." He is currently finishing a "Mildred Pierce" mini-series for HBO.
Who is Todd Haynes?
This diva has dipped her toes into the worlds of fashion, fitness, and acting in addition to her work in music. Recently, she has been working on her burgeoning filmmaking career, director the features "Filth and Wisdom" and "W.E."
Who is Madonna?
This grassroots political organization was created in response to the lackluster response to the AIDS crisis by governments and health organizations. They are famous for their slogan "SILENCE = DEATH."
What is ACT UP?
This virus, frequently transmitted through sexual activity, can cause a variety of cancers, including cancers of the mouth, throat, cervix, vulva, penis, and anus. Although women have been the main targets for vaccination in recent years, doctors have begun to encourage parents to vaccinate young men against this virus.
What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?
This transwoman, an ex-soldier, was one of the first to highlight transgender issues in the American mainstream; her widely-read autobiography was originally published in 1967.
Who is Christine Jorgensen?
"I've got something to put in you, I've got something to put in you, I've got something to put in you, at the -"
What is Gay Bar?
This diva is the daughter of another legendary diva, Judy Garland. She has split her time between theater, music, television, and film over the years.
Who is Liza Minnelli?
This state was the first in the United States to pass a law allowing same-sex marriage.
What is Massachusetts?
In the hanky code system, a red bandanna signifies that its holder is seeking this specific practice.
What is fisting?
Many historians have argued that this First Lady, a great philanthropist active in the 20th century, is a grade-A lesbian.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
This bearish transman has starred in such award-winning adult films as "Cirque Noir" and "Buckback Mountain."
Who is Buck Angel?