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The "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" was written during this event.

What is the French Revolution?


This 1840s event directly resulted in millions of Irish emigrating to the USA?

What is the Irish Potato Famine?


It's the name for the general type of warfare used on the Western Front in WWI.

What is Trench Warfare?


European imperialists used "divide and conquer" tactics on the many ethnic groups of this continent during its "Scramble" to conquer it.

What is Africa?


It was the systematic racist policy of South Africa that allowed the minority white population to control that nation's resources.

What is Apartheid?


This palace was built by Louis XIV to keep watch over the nobles and make sure he had absolute power

What is the Palace of Versailles?


The Marshall Plan, the Vietnam War, and the US support of the Mujahideen Afghan fighters against the Soviet army are all examples of the long-term commitment to this policy.

What is "Containment"?


This country, originally split into four zones after WWII, would eventually be divided between the Eastern and Western blocs during the Cold War.

What is Germany?


He successfully led the Chinese Communist Revolution in the 1940s but would enact some horrible economic policies with disastrous results for China in the 1950s. 

Who is Mao Zedong?


He is the current president of Russia who is sometimes compared to Joseph Stalin in his ambition to build up Russian power.

Who is Vladimir Putin?


It's an "A" word for the rule of one.

What is an "autocrat"?


Powerful absolute monarchs encouraged the "Divine Right of Kings" theory and wanted to suppress the ideas of what 18th century intellectual movement?

What is the "Enlightenment" (or Age of Reason)?


It's the Latin term from which the Russian absolute rulers derived the expression "czar".

What is "Caesar"?


He has been trying to improve North Korea's nuclear capability as its third dictator following WWII.

Who is Kim Jong Un?


The textile industry of this ancient civilization was destroyed by British policies and mass production in "the Jewel" of its empire.

What is India?


Louis XIV's nickname - it involves a very important star and his title.

What is "The Sun King"?


Gandhi's Salt March and refusal to pay British taxes are examples of this policy of defying unjust laws.

What is "Civil Disobedience"?


This peninsula is sometimes called the "Shrimp Among Whales" and is currently divided into two parts with opposing ideologies.

What is Korea?


The "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo" fought peacefully against a military regime that had labeled their children as enemies and eliminated them.  This took place in this Latin American nation.

What is Argentina?


Starting in the late 1970s, his "Four Modernizations" allowed for more economic freedom in China and established special zones for foreign investment.

Who is Deng Xiaoping?


It's the last name of the Russian czars who ruled Russia for about 300 years until 1917.

Who are the Romanovs?


It was the year of independence for both India and Pakistan.

What is 1947?


It was the year that the Berlin Blockade and the Berlin Airlift began.

What is 1948?


The year that the "People's Republic of China" was established following the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War.

What is 1949?


It's the type of government established in Iran after the 1979 Revolution AND the name of the man who became it's supreme leader.

What is a theocracy AND the Ayatollah Khomeini?
