Thought to be invented in the 1920's, this beef patty sandwich has quickly become a staple in American fast food. No cheese please
Mickey's circle of friends has stayed the test of time, featuring character like Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse, and this "goofy" and lovable character with an iconic laugh
What is 15x4?
She is a relativity new singer, known for her songs "From the Start", "Valentine", and "Falling Behind"
Coming from the Italian word that means "thin string", this carb-filled dish can be topped with many sauces and additives, the most popular being tomato sauce and meatballs.
This celestial body in space is no longer considered a planet, but Mickey Mouse considers him his best friend and loyal companion.
What is 100/5
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
With the ever growing list of new Pokemon, the original list of how many "pocket monsters" still captivate the hearts of many?
Believed to have been first made in ancient Greece, this traditionally dense dessert has a whole restaurant chain named after it
A common trope is that Disney princesses have an animal companion. Unlike traditional animals, this Disney princess has her pet tiger, Rajah, at her side.
If I have eight dozen donuts, how many donuts do I have in total?
One of the most complex things in the entire world is the human body with the smallest part being a "bone" in your ear and the largest organ being this
Known for their songs like "Dynamite" and "Butter", this K-pop group's name is also an acronym for Behind The Scenes
In 1912, this sweet treat has over 85 different flavors including flavors like PB&J, Smores, and Double Stuff.
Luke Skywalker
What two numbers can you multiply to get to 54?
2 and 27
3 and 18
9 and 6
Our world is surrounded by microscopic life and things that are smaller than we can comprehend, including these, the smallest parts of matter
Elements on the periodic table like Silver have odd abbreviations such as Ag for Silver, K for Potassium, and Au for this element
Despite popular belief, this fast food staple was originally made in Belgium, which is not what it's name suggests
French Fries
Disney's catalog of movies is ever-expanding, including this sequel of a 2016 ocean adventure with music by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Moana 2
What number do you get when you multiple 9 by itself and then add 9
The human body is comprised of a long list of different kinds of bones, starting with as many as 270 and ending with this many
As our home territory and where we inhabit, Indiana's flag boasts a golden torch representing liberty and enlightenment alongside this many stars
(Indiana was the 19th state to join the USA)