Who were the aztecs?
the original citizens of Tenochtitlan
Who was Juan Rulfo?
The autor of the novel Pedro Paramo
What was in 1519?
The year of the arrival of Cortes in Mexico
What was Tulum?
A Mayam port on the Caribbean Sea
What is Italy?
This European country was the birthplace of the Renaissance.
Who was la Malinche?
The translator of Hernan Cortes
Who were Maria Felix and Dolores del Rio?
Two famous actresses in the 1950s
What was September 16, 1810?
The date of El Grito de Dolores
What was Mexihco?
The nahuatl name of the Aztec Empire
What is Oxygen?
The chemical element with the symbol 'O' is essential for human life. What is it called?
Who was Pancho Villa?
A famous general in Mexican Revolution
Who was Vicente Fernandez?
The king of ranchera music
What was oil (Petroleum)?
A important discovery in Campeche in 1976
What was Queretaro?
The birthplace of Mexican Constitution
Who is J.K. Rowling?
This British author wrote the famous fantasy series "Harry Potter."
Who were las soldaderas?
A group of women who helped in the Mexican Revolution
Who was Anthony Quinn?
The famous Mexican actor in the movie Lawrence of Arabia
What was the earthquake?
A terrible event in Mexico City in 1985
What was Tenochtitlan?
The capital of the Aztec Empire
What is the Sahara Desert?
This is the largest desert in the world.
Who was Lazaro Cardenas?
President from 1934 to 1940
Who was Rufino Tamayo?
Founder of the museum of pre-colombia art in Oaxaca
What were the Olimpics?
A sports event in Mexico City in 1968
What was Puebla?
The site of the Cinco de Mayo battle
What is "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"?
The Beatles' famous album, released in 1967, is titled this.