Fatores de Risco
Joint Commission Prep
Patient and Family Education

Cite 3 fatores de riscos que facilitam a ocorrencia de um AVC.

São fatores de riscos o tabagismo, hipertensão, diabetes, sedentarismo, colesterol alto, doenças cardiacas, história de doença vascular prévia.

Neuro checks are documented on this flowsheet in Allscripts
What is the neuro assessment flowsheet?
RN's on these units may administer TPA
What is ED, CCU, and ICU registered nurses
Stroke Core Team Members
Who is Carmen Ramirez, MD, MSc, Stroke Medical Director, Brenda Blain, DNP, RN-BC, FACHE, NEA-BC, Barbara Klausing, MHA, RN, BC-CV, Stroke Director, Penny Huddleston, PhDc, RN, CCRN, Stroke Coordinator
We must offer and document this education patients who smoke.
What is smoking cessation education? Document that literature and medication aids have been offered and accepted by the patient. If the patient refuses the education, document this as well.
If an inpatient is having the signs/symptoms of an acute stroke staff get assistance by this action
What is activate an RRT indicating a possible stroke
You have received a patient from the ED that is suspected to have had a stroke, but did not receive TPA due to the onset of symptom time frame. Your patient is NPO, but family is requesting to feed the patient. You should complete this nursing assessment prior to ordering a diet or speech eval?
What is complete a bedside swallow screening?
A patient receive TPA in these units in this hospital
What is in ED, CCU, and ICU
Lab is alerted of a Code Stroke patient by this method.
What is by a page from the “AT HOC” system of the Code Stroke. A pink card designates the lab work of the possible stroke patient. Once the blood is drawn, the staff from the Emergency Department walks the blood to the Lab. On the inpatient units, a Lab personnel draws the blood on the possible code stroke patient. The order must be entered into Allscripts prior to Lab receiving the blood.
Items that require education and documentation include:
What is • How to activate EMS when a pt suspects something is wrong. • Follow-up after Discharge • Discharge Medications • Risk Factors in general and the Patient’s specific risk factors • Warning s/s and chances of re-stroke • Explanation of ALL medications and diagnostic tests prior to being done.
Your patient has a facial droop and is drooling, you activate an RRT by dialing this number
What is 7777
Your patient has arrived from the ED and has had a stroke... There is a diet order for a soft diet, but you do not see a completed bedside swallow screening by an RN or speech therapist. Your patient is hungry. Your next step should be
What is complete a bedside swallow screening.
The required blood pressure range after Tissue Plasminogen Activator has been started
What is Systolic blood pressure less than 180 Diastolic blood pressure less than 105
A typical work up for a patient diagnosed with an acute stroke includes the following labs and tests.
What is LAB-Istat chem 8 or CMP, CBC, PT with INR, Troponin, HCG if female of child bearing age 12 Lead ECG Chest Xray CT scan without contrast
A patient with an cardio-embolic (AFib) ischemic stroke be discharged on to take this agent (medication) at home?
What is Coumadin, unless a contraindication exists and is documented?
An RRT has been activated for your patient for a possible stroke. Your next step is to assess the following and take what steps?
What is vital signs and blood sugar. Contact physician, and prepare to transport to CT
A potential stroke patient will get to CT accompanied by this member of the Rapid Response Team
What is the nurse?
It is the goal time for CT results if onset of symptoms to results obtained for a patient that is already in the hospital.
What is Onset to CT results obtained < 45 minutes
For an inpatient with new onset of stroke symptoms. This is the goal time from symptom to NIHSS completion
What is 15 minutes?
A patient with an non- cardio embolic ischemic stroke be discharged on this agent (medication) to take at home
What is Anti-platelet (Aspirin, Aggrenox, Plavix), unless a contraindication exists and is documented
On an inpatient unit, the Rapid Response Team has arrived and assessed your patient concluding that your patient may be having a stroke. A code stroke is now activated by this member of the health care team
Who is the house supervisor?
It is important to wake up a patient for neuro checks. True or False
What is TRUE?
The required blood pressure range prior to infusing TPA
What is The systolic blood pressure must be under 185 and the diastolic blood pressure must be under 100.
These medical personnel can perform a bedside swallow screen?
What is a bedside nurse, physician, or a speech therapist
Stroke patient education is conducted by these measures.
What is • The nurse individualizes the education for the patient and family starting on day one. • The medication sheets and Stroke pamphlet should be given to the patient or family member anytime during the patient’s stay.