What year was the first Fifa World Cup
A. 1985
B. 1930
C. 1973
What is 2 x 8
A. 24
B. 16
C. 38
Where are the Uyuni Salt Flat located
A. Colombia
B. Argentina
C. Bolivia
D. Paraguay
Como se dice "Buenos Dias como estas?"
Good morning how are you.
How do you say manazana en Ingles
Name a soccer player from the Argentina team
Lionel Messi
Diego Maradona
What is 50 x 8
A. 200
B. 400
C. 580
What is the lake called between Boliva and Peru
A. Lake Titicaca
B. Lake Mar Chiquita
C. Lake Maracaibo
D. Lake Michigan
Como se dice "Puedo acer me llamada?"
Can I have my phone call?
How do you say Pina en Ingles
Name a soccer player from Real Madrid
Cristano Ronaldo
What is 90-35
A. 57
B. 55
C. 59
Other than Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy what is the other European country that speaks a language based off of latin "romance language"
A. Greece
B. Poland
C. Germany
D. Romania
Como se dice "Mi coloro Favorito es amarillo"
My favorite color is yellow
How do you say fresa en Ingles
Which country has competed in every world cup
A. Argentina
B. Italy
C. Brazil
What is 9 x 7?
A. 63
B. 85
C. 72
What is the capital de Nicaragua
Como se dice "yo me quiero ducharme"
I want to take a shower
What mountain range were potatoes cultivated in
A. Andes
B. Himalayas
C. Alps
D. Rocky Mountain
How long does a soccer game last for?
A. 45 minutes
B. 90 minutes
C. 120 minutes
9 - 3 x 6 + 6
What is the capital of France
Como se dice "estas ocupado"?
Are you busy
How do you say aguacate en Ingles