Як тебе звати?
Де ти живеш?
What’s your name?
Where do you live?
Where you live?
What she do on Sundays?
Where DO you live?
What DOES SHE do on Sundays?
My name is Anna.
I live in Canada.
What’s your name?
Where do you live?
Що ти робиш у вихідні?
Який твій улюблений колір?
What do you do on weekends?
What’s your favorite color?
When you will go to school?
Why he don’t like football?
When WILL YOU go to school?
Why DOEN'T HE like football?
I go to school at 8 AM.
He likes pizza.
What time do you go to school?
What does he like?
Чому ти хочеш вивчати англійську?
Куди вона ходить після школи?
Why do you want to learn English?
Where does she go after school?
What time do she wake up?
Where does she studies?
What time DOES she wake up?
Where does she STUDY?
Because I like it.
She works as a teacher.
Why do you like it?
What does she do?
Що ти будеш робити завтра?
Коли він поїде у відпустку?
What will you do tomorrow?
When will he go on vacation?
Will you goes to the cinema tonight?
When she will come?
Will you GO to the cinema tonight?
When WILL SHE come?
She will visit her grandma tomorrow.
I will meet my friend at 5 PM.
Who will she visit tomorrow?
What time will you meet your friend?
Як часто ти ходиш у спортзал?
Що ти збираєшся готувати на вечерю?
How often do you go to the gym?
What are you going to cook for dinner?
Why do you will be late?
Does he will buy a new car?
Why will you be late?
Will he buy a new car?
I will travel to Spain next summer.
They are going to watch a movie tonight.
Where will you travel next summer?
What are they going to do tonight?