Define "holy"
set apart/distinct/like God
Define "trinity"
God is three distinct Persons in One Being
True/False: We are made in the image of God means we look like God does.
Who did Ruth end up marrying?
1 John 5:7
How many Persons are there in God?
Who is perfectly holy?
Which member of the Trinity died on the cross for our sins?
The Son (Jesus Christ)
God created Adam out of what?
the dust
Where were Naomi and Boaz from?
Genesis 1:26-27
How and why did God create us?
God is infinite, which means He is without limits. Can you name the 3 things that God is infinite in (the 3 "omnis") Bonus points if you can name the fourth one
All-knowing (omniscient), all-powerful (omnipotent), all present (omnipresent). BONUS: all wise (omnisapient)
Which member of the Trinity indwells believers at the moment of salvation?
The Holy Spirit
What is our ultimate purpose in life?
To glorify God/proclaim Christ
Who was Ruth's mother-in-law?
Colossians 1:16-17
What is God?
We talked about some of the "invisible forces of nature" that God had to create exactly right for life to be able to exist. Name one of them
Gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, our distance from the sun, etc.
How many times is the word "Trinity" found in the Bible?
We discussed 3 ways we have been made "in God's image." Name one of them
We are social, moral, and mental creatures
What king was a descendant of Ruth?
King David
Ruth 4:14
God is the ____, ________ creator of __________.
God is the holy, infinite creator of everything.
There are _____ Persons in God, the ______, the ___, and the Holy ______.
There are three Persons in God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God created us male and ______, in His _____, to _______ Him.
God created us male and female, in His image, to glorify Him.
What responsibility/title did Boaz have in the life pf Ruth?
kinsman redeemer
Write down and explain something you've learned in Sunday School in the past month