Riddle: is sweet and colorful and you lick the flavor off of it what is it?
What is a lollipop.
When was Eton Academy established?
What is 1986.
Which character has a laser weapon?
What is Count Dooku.
Riddle: is cold and rainy and snowy and you get snow days what is it?
What is Winter.
Random Question: How many cities are in Macomb County?
What is 4 cities.
Riddle: is chewing and you blow a bubble and you can only chew it not swallow it what is it?
What is a bubblegum.
How many kids are at Eton Academy?
What is 70.
Who is the evil guy in Star Wars?
What is Anakin Skywalker.
Riddle: is chilly and leaves fell off the trees and it has Halloween in this season what is it?
What is Fall/Autumn
Random Question: Which city is Eton Academy in?
What is Birmingham.
Riddle: is colorful and flavor and can only be found in the store what is it?
What is the jellybeans.
What time does Eton Academy start?
What is 8:25am.
Who is also evil in Star Wars?
What is Darth Maul.
Riddle: it only has rain and flowers grows from the rain and it gets warm again what is it?
What is Spring.
Random Question: Which city has the zip code 48315,48316, and 48317?
What is Shelby Charter Township.
Riddle: is minty and sweet and can only be found in the store what is it?
What is a peppermint.
What time does Eton Academy end?
What is 3:15pm.
Who is Anakin Skywalker's minions?
What is Stormtrooper.
Riddle: is hot and is people's favorite season and it get sunny and cloudy what is it?
What is Summer.
Random Question: Which county is Eton Academy in?
What is Oakland County.
Riddle: is good and chewy and is red and is the shape of a fish what is it?
What is Swedish Fish.
What time does Eton Academy start on Wednesdays?
What is 2pm.
Who is this crazy silly robot's name?
What is BB-8.
Riddle: is warm and rain and flowers grows on trees. Is hot and is people's favorite season and some people workout in this season and there's no school and the weather is sunny and cloudy what is it?
What is Spring and Summer.
Random Question: Which cities is in Macomb County and a Utica Community Schools district?
What is Shelby Charter Township, Macomb, Utica, and Sterling Heights.