what means <p> </p>?
what means <strong> </strong>?
Inline tags to add importance to text
what means <li> </li>?
Tags to define the list item inside <ol> and <ul> lists.
what means <h1> </h1>?
Used for logos, page titles, etc.
what means <em> </em>?
Inline tags to add emphasis to text.
what means <img>?
A self-closing tag to add images using the src attribute and alt attribute.
what means <h2> </h2>?
used for headlines and major sections of a page.
what means <br>?
Inline tags to put text on different lines. Good for addresses, poems, and song lyrics.
what means <a> </a>?
Inline tags to add links to a site using the href attribute.
what means <h3> </h3>?
Used for less important articles or other secondary content.
what means <ul> </ul>?
Tags to create unordered lists, like bulleted lists.
<a href="https://purebredcatrescue.org/" target="_blank">
<img src="img/sleeping-cat.jpg" alt="Cat sleeping in the sun"></a>
this is a example of?
to link an image
what means <h4> </h4>, <h5> </h5>, <h6> </h6>?
Fourth, fifth, and sixth headings for less important content.
what means <ol> </ol>?
Tags to create ordered lists, like numbered and alphabetical lists.
<li>2 cups all-purpose flour</li>
<li>1 cup milk</li>
<li>1 tsp baking powder</li>
this is an example of?
An example of the <li>, <ul>, and <ol> tags