How many credits is the average student allowed to take per semester?
This is where you will receive a lot of important information, you should be checking it daily
Where is the shuttle stop?
Behind Echlin center
Who is our university president?
Judy Olian
Which annual event occurs in the fall semester every year and includes live music, food truck, and games on the quad?
Which school on campus is the largest (has the most majors)
College of Arts and Sciences
All of your class function through this website
Where do you go if you need a new QCard?
Tech Center (In the Library)
Which organization is in charge of hosting fun events on campus?
SPB (Student Programming Board)
Who performed at the annual "Wake the Giant" spring concert last year?
Flo Rida
Who do you email if you have questions or concerns about your classes?
The registrar or your Academic Advisor
This website is where you can view all of your financial information as well as your plan and schedule
Self Service
Where is Public Safety based?
Which faculty member is in charge of student experience here at quinnipiac?
Tom Ellett
When is the engagement fair?
Thursday August 29th, 4-6pm
What are the 4 disciplines that every QU student needs to take a class in for the core curriculum?
Natural Science
Fine Arts
Social Science
This website is the main hub for all things QU, providing links to everything you need
Where do you go if you need extra academic help?
The Learning Commons, located in the front of the library
Which organization is in charge of advocating for students and improving campus life?
SGA (Student Government Association)
When ordering food delivery, where do you send your drivers?
North Lot, behind the Rec center
What website do you use to check your academic progress?
Rather than using a google drive, all of you now have what account for all of your Quinnipiac work?
Microsoft 365
Where do you go to send out mail?
Slot under the mail room window
Who is the dining hall worker who is current gaining popularity on social media?
How do you get a ticket to a Quinnipiac Athletics event at M&T Bank?
Download it from the Box Office email on Mondays, first come first serve