The most long acting form of nicotine replacement
What is a nicotine patch
The time it takes for BP and HR to return to normal.
What is 20 minutes
Tips for quitting smoking
Various responses
Lung diseases known to be caused by smoking.
(up to three)
What are COPD, Emphysema, and cancer?
Withdrawal Symptoms (up to 10!)
what are anger, anxiety, crying, depression, difficulty concentrating, frustration, irritability, insomnia and restlessness
Combination therapy
What is the use of two forms of medication at the same time (for instance, patch and gum or chantix and patch)?
The time it takes to reduce the increased risk of respiratory infections after quitting smoking.
What is 9 months?
The person/people who can turn to when you want a cigarette.
what is a support network?
Per cent of deaths per year caused by cigarettes
what is 20%
the average number of quit attempts made before someone successfully quits smoking.
what is 7?
An antidepressant that is used to help people stop smoking
what is bupropion (wellbutrin)?
The time it takes for lung function to normalize after quitting smoking
What is 3 months?
My Reasons to quit smoking
hint: looking for at least 3 good reasons to quit smoking
what are my health, my finances, my family?
Percent of lung cancer deaths due to smoking cigarettes?
what is 90%
The percent greater likelihood of LT abstinence from your identified drug of choice if you engage in smoking cessation while in treatment.
what is 25?
A partial agonist that stops cigarette cravings?
What is varenicline (Chantix)?
The time it takes for CO levels to drop to normal range.
what is 12 hours?
This is the tool to help with the biological (physical) part of addiction
what is medication for treatment of nicotine dependence? or what is MAT (medication for addiction treatment)?
$ spent per year of smoking 1ppd
what is 365x 10$= $3650?
The percentage of people in substance use treatment who will die due to a smoking related illness?
What is 50%
The odds of quitting smoking with no treatment, with bupropion or nicotine replacement, and with varenicline (chantix)
(hint looking for 3 percentages)
what are 10%, 30% and 40%?
The time it takes for your lung cancer risk to fall by 50%
what is 10 years?
Elements of a good quit plan
Name 5 for full credit
What are: Quit Date, Medication, Plan for triggers,
Support team, Plan for setbacks, Rewards and Celebrations!
Chemical that replaces oxygen in the blood of smokers
What is carbon monoxide
Actions you can take instead when you want a cigarette? (up to 5)
What are drink water, distract, delay, deep breathe, floss/brush teeth, chew gum/candy, write in a journal, go for a walk...?