Lesson 7: Intro to Plants pt. 1
Lesson 8: Intro to Plants pt. 2
Lesson 9: Plant Structure and Function pt. 1
Lesson 10: Plant structure and function pt. 2

True or False: The first land plants were very small, without true vascular tissue, leaves, or roots



A ________________________ is a plant embryo and a food supply, encased in a protective covering

BONUS: If conditions are unfavorable, the abovementioned structure may enter a long period of inactive behavior called ___________________. It may exit this state when conditions improve


BONUS: Dormancy


The ___________________ ________________ creates a waterproof layer in the endodermis of a root that prevents water from leaking back out of the root once it is transferred into the vascular cylinder

Casparian strip


True or False: Heartwood in a tree is newer wood that still conducts water, while sapwood is older wood with thicker cell walls that no longer conducts water



Label the above pictures in order from left to right as either gymnosperms or angiosperms

Gymnosperm, angiosperm, gymnosperm


True or False: Land plants exhibit alternation of generations, in which they go through both a haploid phase and a diploid phase during their lifecycle


Plants that bear their seeds within flowers are known as _________________________, while plants that bear their seeds within cones are known as _____________________

BONUS: In both of these types of plants, the male gametophyte (the structure that houses the sperm) is called ____________________

Angiosperms; gymnosperms

BONUS: Pollen


There are two main types of vascular tissue: _______________ conducts water throughout the plant, while _________________ conducts nutrients

Xylem; phloem


______________________ growth refers to a growth in the length of a plant, while _________________ growth refers to a growth in the thickness of a plant.

BONUS: Plants increase in thickness due to cell division within the ____________ _____________, which produces new layers of vascular tissue, and the _______________ ______________, which produces the woody outer covering of plant stems

Primary; secondary

BONUS: Vascular cambium; cork cambium


Label the top and bottom portions of the picture as either gametophyte phase or sporophyte phase

Top: ________________ phase
Bottom: ______________ phase

Top: Sporophyte phase (diploid, 2N, produces spores)

Bottom: Gametophyte phase (haploid, 1N, produces gametes)


The ______________________ is the diploid, spore-producing phase of a plant's life cycle. It produces haploid spores through meiosis. When these haploid spores land, they grow into the _______________________, which produces the male and female gametes.

Sporophyte; gametophyte


Plants that survive for only one growing season are known as ________________. Plants that complete their life-cycles over two growing seasons are known as __________________. Plants that can keep coming back over multiple growing seasons are known as _____________________

Annuals; biennials; perennials


The outermost cells of roots use _________________ _________________ to move minerals into the root itself. Water then follows passively into the root by  __________________.

BONUS: Regions of new cell growth found at the tips of roots and shoots are known as ________________ ______________ 

Active transport; osmosis

BONUS: Apical meristems


The ability of water to move up stems is due to ______________ _______________, which refers to the combined affects of _______________ (water molecules sticking to each other), and ________________ (water molecules sticking to the sides of other surfaces).

BONUS: If a plant loses too much water, the cells of the plant fold inward due to lack of water pressure, and the plant _________________

Capillary action; cohesion; adhesion

BONUS: Wilts


Label a), b), and c) as either collenchyma, sclerenchyma, or parenchyma ground tissue

a) Parenchyma

b) Collenchyma

c) Sclerenchyma


On a gametophyte (the haploid portion of a plant), female gametes are produced in the ________________________ and male gametes are produced in the ___________________

Archegonia; antheridia


Though angiosperms evolved later, they quickly became the dominant form of land plant. Give two reasons why flowers and fruits may be advantageous to a plant's ability to reproduce.

Flowers and fruits can attract insects by their color, scent, or shape. 

Animals can eat fruits to scatter seeds


There are three main tissue types found in vascular plants:

__________________ tissue forms the outer covering of the plant, serving a protective role

__________________ tissue conducts water and nutrients through the plant

__________________ tissue manufactures and stores sugar, and plays a structural role

Dermal; vascular; ground


Give two examples of ways that plants have adapted to dry or low-nutrient conditions.

BONUS: Cells that control the opening and closing of stomata in plants, and therefore help protect against water loss, are known as ______________ ______________. 

Many plants have reduced leaves or lower surface areas to prevent water loss (needles on conifers or cacti).

Some plants may digest insects supplement their nutrient intake.


Redraw the following root cross section (simply) and label the epidermis, cortex, endodermis, and xylem

BONUS: State whether the plant is a monocot or dicot

BONUS: Dicot


Seedless nonvascular plants lack true vascular tissue and reproduce by spores, not seeds. Collectively, these plants are called ________________________. The three types of plants that fall within this group are __________________, ______________________, and _____________________

BONUS: Seedless vascular plants have true vascular tissue, but still reproduce by spore and not seed. List one plant that falls into this category.

Bryophytes; mosses, liverworts, and hornworts

BONUS: Ferns/horsetails/club mosses

Angiosperms can be subdivided into monocots or dicots, based on their number of seed leaves. Give three examples of characteristics that are commonly found among monocots, and three examples of characteristics that are commonly found among dicots.


Ground tissue is made up of three distinctive cell types:

___________________ is composed of thin-walled cells that function mainly in food production and storage

___________________ is composed of cells with thicker walls that provide flexible support to plants

___________________ is composed of extremely thick cell walls that provide rigid support to plants

Parenchyma; collenchyma; sclerenchyma


Describe the three main steps in the pressure flow hypothesis, which explains how nutrients are transported throughout a plant

1) Sugars are actively transported out of source cells into the phloem

2) Water follows these sugars, creating an area of high water pressure in the phloem

3) The sugar in the phloem follows the water pressure gradient to sink cells, where it is actively transported out of the phloem and stored in the sink cells


In the diagram below (cross-section of a leaf), layer F is pointing to the _____________ ______________, while layer E is pointing to the _____________ ______________. Label D points to an opening in the lower epidermis of a leaf that allows for gas exchange, otherwise known as the __________________

BONUS: Draw a diagram of a leaf attached to a stem, labeling the node, bud, blade, and petiole

Layer F: Palisade mesophyll

Layer E: Spongy mesophyll

Label D: Stomata

