First Language Acquisition
Brain and Language
Second Language Acquisition 1
Second Language Acquisition 2

Piaget's theory of child development is characterized by developmental sequences determined by the _________ of the child. 



When we can think of the structure and some other features of a word but can't produce it at the moment, this is an example of the ___ ___ ___ ___ phenomenon.

Tip of the Tongue


Students studying English in Japan would best be described by which of the following acronyms:


EFL (English as a Foreign Language)


True / False: The grammar-translation method is currently supported by second language acquisition practitioners for developing communicative competence in second language learners.



True / False: A piece of evidence that children do not learn their first language by imitation alone is that they resist correction by their caregivers.



In the 1870s, Carl Wernicke made an important connection between patients with brain injury and language impairments. What is now known as Wernicke’s area is mainly responsible for:

  • Speech comprehension
  • Speech production
  • Right hemisphere language production
  • Muscle articulation of the face, jaw, tongue, and larynx
  • Speech comprehension

Immigrants learning English in the United States would best be described by which of the following acronyms:

ESL  /   EFL

ESL (English as a Second Language)


_________ refers to using sounds, expressions, or structures from the first language while performing in the second language.



When a child learns that -s makes a noun plural, they tend to add -s to every noun such as foots and mens. This is an example of:



Curtiss’s case study of the feral child Genie provides evidence for which phenomenon in first language acquisition:

The Critical Period


A language learner wants to learn a second language in order to take part in the social life of a community using that language and to become an accepted member of that community. This kind of motivation is called ________ motivation.



In Spanish, plurals are marked by ­-s (e.g., gato vs. gatos) as they are in English (e.g., 1 cat vs. 2 cats). Spanish speakers learning English as a second language using -s to produce plural nouns is best described by which of the following terms:

Positive Transfer  /  Negative Transfer

Positive Transfer


A child acquiring English negatives passes through three different stages. Choose the expression that matches the first stage of negative marking:

  • Nobody don’t like me
  • He no bite you
  • No bite
  • This not ice cream
  • No bite

Expressions such as fifty-pound dog of bag food and use the door to open the key are examples of the following:

  • Slip of the tongue (Spoonerisms)
  • Localization view
  • Malapropisms
  • Tip of the tongue phenomenon
  • Slip of the tongue (Spoonerisms)


In communicative language teaching, errors by second language learners are:

  •  Always the effect of improper teaching
  •  Always to be avoided
  •  A natural result of the language learning process
  •  Always to be corrected

A natural result of the language learning process


In French, adjectives usually follow the noun they describe.   A French speaker learning English as a second language says, *The house green is beautiful. With respect to the placement of the adjective green, this is an example of what SLA phenomenon?

Positive Transfer   /   Negative Transfer

Negative Transfer


When a baby calls all male adults daddy, this is an example of what First Language Acquisition process?



Broca's area is primarily responsible for ______ language.



An immigrant has been living and working in the United States for several years. They use English on a daily basis at work. Despite ample opportunities to hear and speak English, they consistently fail to produce the third-person singular -s in their speech resulting in sentences like She work at the school and He wake up early every day. Which term best describes the situation above?



Regarding the components of communicative competence, we can say that sociolinguistic competence in second language learning is:

  • The accurate use of words and structures
  • The appropriate use of language based on the social context
  • is the knowledge of how to produce and comprehend oral or written texts in the modes of speaking/writing and listening/reading respectively
  • The ability to organize a message effectively and to compensate for communication breakdowns by means of communication strategies
  • The appropriate use of language based on the social context