This is the term for the highest point of a wave.
What is a surface current?
The current of water at the ocean surface caused by the wind
This happens on the coastline when strong winds push the surface water away from the land
What is the definition of a tide?
Simply put: the rising and falling of sea level
why are some currents cold and others are warm?
Usually warm water has a higher salinity(salt content), but it remains less dense than cold water, so cold water is heavier and flows under warm water.
Waves are described as continuing ________.
These winds, found at mid-latitudes, help drive ocean currents eastward.
The crest of the wave topples forward when it meets the shoreline(due to friction) into a little mass of water called
Tides are caused by which force
What is the difference between a tidal wave and tsunami?
A tidal wave is by definition a wave caused by ocean tides, whereas a tsunami is almost always caused by an earthquake under water.
The distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave.
These currents form due to differences in temperature and salinity.
deep ocean currents
Name the two types of currents
Surface currents and Density currents
What is a neap tide?
Weaker then normal tides that occur when the sun and the moon are at right angles.
Come up to the board and draw the directions of the four winds that cause ocean currents (ones we have talked about)
The three factors that determine wave height.
Wind speed, wind duration, and distance that the wind blows on the wave
These winds, named after their use in navigation, move warm surface currents westward near the equator.
Trade Winds
This is a series of ocean waves that send surges of water (sometimes over 100 feet high), onto land.
What is a spring tide?
Higher then normal tides cause by the sun and moon being in line with each other. This causes a gravitational pull of the sun teamed up with the moon.
Name some of the weirdest things that have washed up on shore that we listed in the slideshow. MUHAHAHA!(Mrs. T's evil laugh) Have to get three at least!
Giant Dice, snowballs, large pieces of driftwood, Giant Squid, motorcycle.
The stronger this is, the bigger the wave.
wind speed
What are density currents?
A mass of surface water that is cooler or saltier, making it denser(heavier) and causing it to sink towards the bottom of the ocean
What is the trough of a wave?
The lowest part of a wave
Where do the highest tides in the world occur?
The Bay of Fundy
What creates the largest tides in Fundy? (have to name both parts and definition for each)
1)Resonance-natural rocking motion in the Bay.
2)Shape of the bay and ocean floor.