Helping people meet their basic needs
What is human services?
It was seen as providing insurance against many problems associated with being poor like starvation and homelessness.
What was the feudal system
They are the chief goals of human services providers
What is support individuals in as well as comunities to maximize their potential
The idea that we look at people in terms of their strengths as opposed to their weaknesses.
What are Strength theories
She is the founder of the Hull house?
Who is Jane Addams?
Non supportive families and friends, and mental illness are three reasons some people need this.
What are human services
The overhaul of the social welfare policy in England was prompted by what?
What is the decline of feudal system, move to urban areas, diminishing role of church
Working with individuals
What is micro?
Looking at an individual not in a vacuum but as involved with many different areas in life
What is systems theory
She wrote Social Diagnosis and is considered the mother of modern case work
Who is Mary Richmond?
It is the reason the term generalist is used in describing the knowledge of human service workers.
What is knowledge is broad and varied?
Pregnant women, people over 60 and extemely ill people were considered what type of poor?
What are worthy poor?
Working with groups ( educational groups, support groups etc)
What is mezzo
The theory that expanding systems interface and influence each other
What is Ecological systems theory
Ida Wells is best known for this
What is civil right activist?
Individuals experiencing problems related to various social or systemic issues of society.
What are marginalized populations?
The Protestant Work ethic of if you work hard you will be successful was intiated by this person
Who was Calvin?
Working with larger issues of policy in government
What is macro?
memebers of society who are displaced due to poverty, racial disparity, or some other issue that reduces their stsatus in society
What are marginalized populations.
COS was the first of these organizations
What are charities?
The idea that basics needs need to be met before an individual c is whose theory?an acheive higher level needs
Who is Maslow?