What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
The first thing that we always do when approaching a possible scene or emergency scenario is what?
Assess the scene for safety
Name 3 types of burns
An open fracture is described as
a fracture where the bone breaks the skin
How do we respond to a nose bleed
Pinch the soft part, and learn forward
What is something to keep in mind about different first aid kits?
They vary in supplies
What is the proper way to have 911 called during an emergency scenario in public?
Be specific and direct when having someone call 911. Never just yell out for someone to do it.
A second degree burn is identified by what key characteristic?
What does the E in the R.I.C.E. method stand for?
The key concept for all bleeding response is what?
Direct pressure
What item in a fist aid kit would be used to initially stop minor to moderate bleeds?
You need to get an athlete off the field who has a high ankle sprain so that the game can continue. What lift or carry would be most effective?
Human Crutch
The first two steps in providing care to someone with a burn injury is what and what?
Remove them from the heat source and pour cool running water over the burned area for at least 10 minutes
Which typically has a longer healing timeline a closed fracture or a grade 3 sprain?
Grade 3 Sprain
What is the difference between a laceration and an incision
laceration is characterized by jagged ripped edges while a laceration has clean smooth edges
The most important thing to remember when removing used gloves is what?
Skin to skin and glove to glove
You and a friend are hiking in the woods when a wildfire breaks out. While running away you and a friend tumble down part of the mountain. They are unconscious and seem to have a severe leg injury. How will you get them to safety?
Splint the leg and perform a blanket drag.
When dressing a burn before possible hospital transport what is important to remember about how we wrap it?
Wrap it loosely because heat will cause swelling and we dont want to further irritate the skin
What is an important detail to keep in mind with a hard splint for a major injury?
Name 3 signs on infection to an open wound
What are the 3 P's of first aid?
Preserve life
Promote recovery
Prevent further harm
You and two other coworkers are opening up the store when all of a sudden an earthquake occurs. A gallon container of paint falls off a shelf and hits one of your coworkers in the head. You need to leave the building as it is unsafe. Your coworker who was hit in the head is conscious but extremely unbalanced and disoriented. How would you get them to safety.
2 hand seat or two person human crutch
Describe what makes a 3rd degree burn a 3rd degree burn, with scientific vocabulary
The burn has damaged skin all the way through the subcutaneous tissue
What is the difference between a sprain and a strain
Strain deals with tendons while sprains deals with ligaments
Describe the proper method in wrapping an open wound that has correctly stopped the bleeding and why you wrap it that way.
You wrap from the appendage up towards the heart so that you do not trap blood.