A whole note is worth...
4 beats
Two half notes added together equal how many beats
4 beats
When starting any of the scales we learned we start with this syllable of solfege
SATB stands for...
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
This rhythm is known as a...
This rhythms is known as a...
half note
A quarter note added to another quarter note is worth this many beats...
2 beats
This syllable of solfege is missing in the MAJOR solfege Do, Re, _____, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do
Tenor 1 Tenor 2 Bass 1 and Bass 2
This rhythm is worth how many beats
This rhythm is worth 1/2 a beat.
eighth note
A whole note added to a quarter note is worth this many beats..
5 beats
In this NATURAL MINOR solfege the missing solfege is..
Do, Re, ____, Fa, Sol, Le, Te, Do
Soprano 1 Soprano 2 Alto
This rest receives how many beats of silence
This musical rest is worth this many beats..
Two dotted half notes added together equal this many beats.
6 beats
When thinking about the ascending chromatic scale. We know that this syllable of solfege is missing..
Do,___, Re, Ri, Mi, Fa.....
What is the name of the acapella vocal group that sag Mary Did You Know?
This rhythm is worth how many beats..
Dotted quarter note
This rhythm is worth 4 beats of rest
whole rest
A dotted half note added to an eighth note is worth..
3.5 or 3 1/2
This scale is comprised of 12 syllables of solfege
This vocal part is in between the soprano and alto vocal range
This type of rhythm is worth 3/4 of a beat
Dotted eighth note