adjective: perfect
adverb: ?
What is opposite of a decisive person?
What is the name for "sleeveless jacket"?
a vest
Ja sam kod kuće. Mama je na poslu, a estra je u školi.
I am at home. My mother is at work and my sister is at school.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ja sam osoba koja previše razmišlja.
2. Prijatelji koji idu sa mnom u razred takođe dobro govore engleski jezik.
1. I am an overthinker. / I am a person WHO overthinks.
2. My friends WHO go to class with me also speak English well.
Can you name 3 empires?
Roman, Turkish, Austro-Hungarian
Translate the following sentence:
Potrebno mi je mnogo vremena da uradim zadaću.
It takes me a lot of / a long time to finish homework.
What is a verb for speaking really quietly (mostly into someone's ear)?
What is opposite of wide?
How do we call the language that you learn from the day you are born?
native language / mother tongue
How do we call someone who behaves like a child?
How do we call shopping for bread, milk, butter, fruits, vegetables and other food we need for our household?
grocery shopping
What do people who have crooked teeth wear in order to make them straight?
They wear braces.
Translate the following sentences:
1. Moj najbolji prijatelj govori njemački i turski ali engleski ne govori baš dobro.
2. Moje ocjene ne zavise mnogo od mog znanja, nego od truda koji uložim.
1. My best friend speaks German and Turkish, but he doesn't speak English well.
2. My grades don't depend much on my knowledge but on the effort I put in.
Translate the following sentence:
Nikada nisam putovala vozom.
I have never traveled by train.
Where do we keep our clothes? Do you know any synonyms?
wardrobe / closet
Društvene mreže su odlične za komunikaciju, s druge strane mogu loše uticati na mentalno zdravlje ljudi.
Social media is excellent for communication, on the other hand it can have bad influence on people's mental health.
Moram da platim članarinu za teretanu za ovaj mjesec.
I have to pay my gym membership for this month.
What's the name of one universal language people wanted to make at one point in history?
Translate the following sentence
Kada sam imala 15 godina, putovala sam sa ujnom u Austriju.
When I was 15 years old, I travelled with my aunt to Austria.
Srpski jezik ima 7 padeža.
Serbian language has 7 cases.
What is the verb we use as a synonym for persuade?
Imam časove engleskog utorkom i četvrtkom.
Putujem u Crnu Goru u petak naveče.
I have English classes on Tuesday and Thursday.
I am travelling to Montenegro on Friday evening.