What is a fire diamond?
It defines the "Safety Square" or "Fire Diamond" which is used to quickly and easily identify the risks posed by hazardous materials. No picture, because no money :(
What are the most stable states of manganite?
I love you daddy
I love you too
What are the casualties of Israeli-Hamas war?
What are the classical languages?
Latin, Classical Greek, maybe even Sanskrit
When did Anaximander live, and what are his greatest contributions?
7th - 6th century BCE, he apparently wrote treatises on geography, astronomy, and cosmology that survived for several centuries and made a map of the known world. He was the first thinker to develop a cosmology.
Carbon dating cons and pros, and why is relative dating more done than carbon dating?
accurate for organic materials, quantitative, widely applicable, relatively fast
contamination(modern carbon only fits), age limit, expensive and technical, restrication on materials
relative dating can be used for organic and inorganic materials and its inexpensive, that's why
Will you marry me?
How did Mendelejev come up with the idea to create the periodic table?
He just grinded for years, and saw it in his dream, maybe not too
How was Italian "made"?
Based off the Tuscan(Florentian dialect), was chosen to be that
Why were philosophers the ones, who incepted scientific disciplines?
Philosophy was primary framework for understanding the world, there was no specialization yet, philosophers were first to be curious about natural world, and seeked answers
Who was Diogenes of Sinupe?
was a Greek philosopher and one of the most prominent figures of Cynicism + a public masturbator
I'm ballsy
What is oblique shock?
I don't know either hehe
With whom did Einstein collaborate to form his special relativity theory?
No collaboration, just based off the work of people who previously contributed(Lorentz, Poincaré, Maxwell, heavily influenced by them)
What are the most common criticisms against absurdism?
Life has a meaning, whether it is god, or sth very personal, up to person.
Negative moral values, it brings itself highly controverisal form of moral nihilism, denying morality, and violating common sense.
It's inconsistent, absurdists often overlap in their views with existentialism, value sincerity and courage for example
It commits is-ought fallacy(you cannot logically derive a prescriptive statement(what ought to be) from purely descriptive statements(what is))
What is the most commonly produced plastic?
Polyethyline, 34% of the total plastics on market
Who is elected for 400 million years?
Donald Trump :(
What is the solution to the fastest descent problem?
refraction pattern in water
What is redshift?
light from an object moving away from an observer is stretched to longer wavelengths, shifting it toward the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. it doesn't allow pictures
What is the smallest unit of length?
Planck unit
What is the lifespan of Greenland sharks?
At least 250, can live for 500 years too
It's not a law if sb doesn't force it :P
What is cosmic microwave background?
is microwave radiation that fills all space in the observable universe, from the first light that was created after recombination era.
Why we see only a few of the stars that are in the nightsky?
Brightness (Apparent Magnitude)
Light Pollution
Atmospheric Conditions(absorbs some light)
Size of the Field of View