This is Morelos's full name.
What is Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon?
Morelos became one of these after the priesthood.
What is a military leader?
Morelos told the people to go here.
What is the Congress?
Morelos is commemorated on this currency.
What is the peso?
Morelos was this ancestry.
What is pardo (or European, African, and Native)?
Morelos was educated by this religious group.
Who are the Jesuits?
"May ____________________."
What is "slavery be banished forever"?
Morelos was this height.
What is 5'5?
Morelos's home city was once called this.
What is Valladolid?
When fighting, Morelos used these tactics.
What are guerrilla tactics?
Morelos's quote about slavery was said for this reason.
What is his ancestry?
Morelos's mistress was this woman.
Who is Bridgida Almonte?
Morelos's death occurred in this year.
What is 1815?
Morelos's military career ended in this year.
What is 1814?
"Dying is__________________________."
What is "nothing if it is for your country"?
This was the full name of Morelos's male child.
Who is Juan Morelos Almonte?
Morelos was born on this date.
What is September 30th, 1765?
Morelos conquered these 4 major cities.
What are Valladolid, Oaxaca, Acapulco, and Aguacatillo?
What is "may only be distinguished by virtue or vice"?
Morelos helped draft this document (be specific).
What is the Decreto Constitucional para la Libertad de la America Mexicana?