Ind. Living
Social Skills
Grab Bag

List and describe the three criteria needed to form a good operational definition (hint: OCC)

Objective: only what can be observed

Clear: unambiguous

Complete: examples and non-examples


List three types of Augmentative and Assistive Communication methods

sign language

picture exchange communication system

speech generating device/iPad


What is the main difference between rapid toilet training and trip training?

trip training is generally a less intense version of rapid toilet training


What are some examples of social skill deficits in individuals with ASD?

* poor eye contact

* lack of ability to empathize

* inability to understand context

* difficulty with sarcasm



List and describe the three things assess through visual analysis of data

Level:  the relationship of the data with the Y-axis

Trend: overall direction of the data path

Variability: range of data points around the mean


What would be the best measurement method to collect data on the time it takes to clean a person's bedroom?



Three common speech problems we discussed in lecture/readings in autistic individuals include:



pronoun reversal


What are the three general ABA methods to teach self-care routines? 

task analysis 

behaviour chaining



What is the first step before beginning any social skills interventions?

complete an assessment of their current social skills through informal assessments of the individual in their social settings


What should you always get before starting any skill/behaviour programs related to biological variables?

Get medical clearnace

EX: before working on toilet training or food selectivity 


Give three examples of indirect assessments that could be used in an FBA

medical records review

sleep/diet review

history of rehab or interventions

functional interview with parent/caregiver


What are the four different purposes a language assessment can serve?

1. screening - quickly assess skills/delay

2. diagnosis - assess and diagnosis issues

3. selection of intervention goals - identify appropriate ones

4. evaluation - is the program working


Why are self-management skills important to teach?

it allows the client to monitor their own behaviour and deliver their own reinforcement which serves to promote independence


List the 5 different social skills intervention strategies we discussed in class. Which one do you feel is the best?

1. discussion and feedback

2. video model

3. social problem solving

4. goal setting

5. priming


True or False. FCT is only used with people who have vocal verbal behaviour

False. FCT can be used for people who have or DO NOT have vocal verbal behaviour


Why would you conduct a functional analysis?

1. allows us to do more than just modify behaviour through environmental prevention or management/prevention through more intrusive procedures like psychotropic medication or restraint b/c we know function

2. when we're unsure of the function of of problem behaviour to ensure a function based approach

3. Recommended as best-practice and part of our ethical obligation


Why does functional communication require the intervener to know the function of the problem behaviour?

So that the replacement communicative behaviours can access those reinforcers instead of the problem behaviour


In order to promote generalization of independent living skills, what should you consider when creating your teaching plan?

where you will teach the skills to promote optimal generalization - teaching in the natural environment is best whenever possible 


What is the rationale behind teaching children and youth with ASD improved social skills?

poor social skills are associated with poor mental health

people with poor social skills are isolated and report having little to no friends

poor social skills can prevent romantic relationships from forming

poor social skills impair an individuals quality of life


What three elements make up social skills?

observable behaviour

verbal behaviour

cognitive skills


What are the five typical conditions in a functional analysis

Contingent attention

Contingent escape



Contingent access/tangible


What is the first step in imitation training?

Reinforce any vocalization


List and explain the three methods used to address food aversion in class/readings

1. positive reinforcement - shaping, premak principle

2. escape extinction - not allowing the client to escape from the appropriate eating behaviour

3. NCR- access to preferred stimulus during eating routines


Was the PEERS model an effective training method for youth social skills? 

Yes - overall significant improvements in social skills for treatment group, used RCT design, annualized program!

in social skills training what does goal setting involve

reviewing what was learned/discussed and practice and setting a goal for where and when it can be applied to the individual's life in the coming week
