The Bronx
Bekes et. al
Transgenerational Drama
Psychology puns

This “Queen of Pop” grew up in the Castle Hill neighborhood of the Bronx, which she calls “The Block” in her chart topping 2002 hit.

Who is Jennifer Lopez?


This acronym represents a promising measure that can be used by clinicians and researchers at all levels of training and with minimal knowledge of defense mechanisms as a reliable and valid method to assess defense mechanisms in clinical settings, per Bekes et. al (2021).

What is the DMRS-Q?


In this recent box office topper, Paul Atreides and his grandfather have a not so loving reunion.

What is Dune 2?


The answer to this: What do you call Anna F.’s undergarments?

What is Freudian slip?


In celebration of Derek Jeter’s final season for the beloved NY Yankees, this footwear/apparel company produced a commercial showing New Yorkers tipping their hat to the legendary Number 2.

What is Nike?


Gorlin, Bekes, and Mazer (2021) suggest that the term “resilient warriors,” which was used in the psychological research about military personnel, could be applied to this group during the pandemic. 

Who are frontline healthcare workers?


Wanna get away with fratricide? Pin it on your nephew! At least, that’s what this bad cat did.

Who is Scar (Lion King)?


An Arctic animal that experiences intense mood episodes.

What is bipolar bear?


These two comedians recur on an SNL bit called "Bronx Beat" in which they play ultra-stereotyped Bronx talk show hosts.

Who are Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph?


Bekes et. al (2021) evaluated four concerns therapists might have had when switching to teletherapy at the beginning of the pandemic–emotional connection, distraction during session, patient privacy, and therapist boundaries. They surveyed over 1,200 therapists at time 0. Three months later, three of the four categories were rated as less of a concern, while this one became more of a concern.

What is distraction?

Cutting off his son’s hand probably didn’t win this ominous villain Father of the Year.

Who is Darth Vader?


A fruity-ice cream treat, or what happens when that fruit uses a low level defense, perhaps seeing the self or others as all good or all bad.

What is banana split?


Born in 1784, Sir Moses This was still alive when a hospital in his name, now a large teaching hospital in the Bronx, was founded in 1884.

What is Montefiore?


 In their 2022 paper, Drs. Bekes and Van Doorn found that this type of attachment predicted negative attitudes towards teletherapy.

What is avoidant?


Why you gotta be so this, asks the band MAGIC! in their 2013 hit single about asking a father for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Probably made the wedding pretty awkward!

What is Rude?


What Pavlov might have called his line of hair care products.

What is classical conditioner?


This billionaire AND psychologist promised free tuition for Einstein Medical School–why couldn’t she spare a few extra bucks for us?!

Who is Ruth Gottesman?


Bekes, Starrs, & Perry (2023) found that older-older adults were more resilient against pandemic related stress compared to older adults. This age is the youngest to be considered an older-older adult in the study. 

What is 75?


“Were you silent, or were you silenced?” Oprah Winfrey famously asked this couple in their tell-all interview about a feud within one of the world’s most famous families. 

Who are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?


He’s a crime-fighting waffle with a name a lot like one of the three parts of the iceberg model of the unconscious. 

What is Super-Eggo?
