The idea where the people vote for other people, who then make all the decisions
Place where the army got real cold for the winter, and did some training!
Valley Forge
They got little power under the Articles.
Federal government (Congress)
Main weakness of the Articles
(Say it with me:) Weak Central Government!
Compromise that decided how to elect the president
Electoral College
Makes each part of government accountable to the others
Checks and balances
She was a leading figure during the Revolution, reminding her husband (a co-writer of the Declaration) to "remember the ladies" when giving people their rights.
Abigail Adams
The Wilderness Road!
Path from Virginia to Kentucky through the Cumberland Gap (Appalachian Mountains)
Way Shays's Rebellion showed that the Articles government was ineffective:
Unable to do more than ask the states for help -- no power to put down the rebellion or fix the root causes
Plan for legislative branch that would give the bigger states a ton of power.
Virginia Plan
Where your central government's power is less centralized than a Unitary system, but more centralized than Confederal system -- perfectly balanced! (supposedly)
Ways Americans used geography to gain an advantage over the British during the Revolutionary War.
Terrain (ambushes, knew the land)
Population distribution (not densely populated)
Climate (cold winters, hot summers)
Distance (Big colonies, far from Britain)
Achievements of the Articles:
Treaty of Paris with Britain
Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 set rules for territories to become states, prevented slavery in the NW, etc.
States of this type probably liked the Articles of Confederation more than others, since it gave them an equal say.
Smaller states
The Great Compromise: