Health and Medicine
Information and Technology

Who proposed the groundbreaking theory of continental drift in the early 20th century, which suggested that the Earth's continents were once part of a single supercontinent and have since drifted apart over millions of years?

Alfred Wegener


What region, renowned for its extraordinary biodiversity and home to millions of species, is considered one of the most vital ecosystems on the planet and is often called the "lungs of the Earth" due to its role in producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide?

Amazon Rainforest


What simple sugar, commonly known as blood sugar, plays a vital role as a primary energy source for the body’s cells, is involved in various metabolic processes, and is crucial for maintaining energy levels and proper functioning of organs and tissues?



What is the name of the device designed to capture detailed images of celestial objects and phenomena in the universe beyond our planet, allowing scientists to study and explore the vastness of space and gather valuable data about stars, galaxies, and other cosmic entities?



What is the primary gas that plays a significant role in the greenhouse effect, trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere and contributing to global warming?

Carbon dioxide


Who developed the theory of relativity, revolutionizing the field of physics by introducing concepts like the relationship between space and time, and laying the foundation for modern physics?

Albert Einstein


What is the name of the underwater trench located in the western Pacific Ocean, known as the deepest point on Earth, and of great importance to studies in oceanography and geology?

Mariana Trench


What is the name of the hormone, identified in the 19th century by French physiologist Claude Bernard, that plays a critical role in regulating blood sugar levels within the human body and marked a significant advancement in our understanding of metabolic processes, particularly concerning diabetes?



What tool is used by scientists to accurately measure temperature, often utilizing different scales such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin, and is essential in various fields of research and experimentation?



In ecology, what term refers to the variety of different species within a particular habitat or ecosystem, and is often used as an indicator of environmental health?



Who proposed the geocentric model of the universe, which suggested that the Earth is at the center, a view that dominated astronomical thought for centuries until it was challenged during the Copernican revolution?



What location in Italy, renowned for its connection to the study of volcanoes, was famously buried by the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, offering archaeologists invaluable insights into ancient Roman life?



What is the name of the biological process through which DNA is accurately copied to create a complementary strand, ensuring that genetic information is faithfully transmitted during cell division and playing a crucial role in growth, development, and inheritance?

DNA replication


What instrument is utilized in biology to magnify small objects and organisms, allowing scientists and researchers to observe structures and details that are not visible to the naked eye?



What is the name of the layer of gases that envelops the Earth, providing essential support for life by supplying oxygen, regulating temperature, and protecting the planet from harmful solar radiation and cosmic rays, thereby playing a crucial role in sustaining ecosystems and maintaining the planet's climate?



Who is credited with the early concept of the atom, proposing that all matter is composed of small, indivisible particles, which stood in contrast to Aristotle's idea that matter is continuous and made up of the four classical elements?



In which remote archipelago did Charles Darwin carry out his significant research on finches and other diverse species during his voyage on the HMS Beagle, leading to crucial observations that contributed to the formulation of his groundbreaking theory of natural selection and the understanding of evolution?

Galápagos Islands


What discovery made by Alexander Fleming in 1928, involving a mold that produced a substance capable of killing bacteria, led to the development of antibiotics and fundamentally transformed medical treatment, particularly in the fight against bacterial infections?



What satellite-based navigation system, launched in the 1970s, provides precise positioning information to users around the globe, significantly transforming navigation, mapping, and various applications in transportation and geolocation?

GPS (Global Positioning System)


What is the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller particles through physical or chemical means, contributing to soil formation and influencing landforms, ecosystems, and the Earth's surface over time?



Who is credited with conducting a series of pioneering experiments in the mid-19th century using pea plants to investigate how traits are passed from one generation to the next, ultimately establishing the fundamental principles of inheritance, including the concepts of dominant and recessive traits, and is now known as the "Father of Genetics"?

Gregor Mendel


What is the name of the region in South America that is famous for the discovery of fossilized remains of prehistoric plants and animals, which provided key evidence supporting the theory of continental drift and the concept of past continental connections?



What discovery in the early 20th century by Paul Ehrlich introduced the concept of using chemical compounds to selectively target and kill pathogens, leading to the development of chemotherapy?  



What type of imaging technology, known for using strong magnetic fields and radio waves, is employed to produce detailed images of the organs and tissues inside the human body for medical diagnosis?

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)


What geological process describes the transformation of sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock as a result of significant changes in pressure and temperature occurring deep within the Earth's crust, altering the mineral composition and texture of the rock?

