The problem, because you need to know exactly what you’re doing before you start.
What is this technology used for projects an image onto a surface, commonly a projection screen.?
What are Three the key elements of a constructivist approach?
1. The teacher creating learning environment.
2. The teacher giving students the tool
3. The teacher facilitating learning
Between teachers and students interchange their ideas/socialize with one another through the computer devices.
Who described traditional learning as a process in which teachers pours information to the learners.
John Dewey
The process in an accurate and detailed action plan.
What is this piece of technology to produce printed characters on a piece of paper by typing individual keys.?
what kind of key element of a constructivist approach that "After setting up the classroom, the teacher now gives the necessary tools which the learners can use either individually or collaboratively"?
The teacher giving students the tool.
Any competence facilitating interaction and communication with others where social rules and relations are created, communicated, and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways
It is a classrooms are arranged in neat column and rows of chairs for the students.
Traditional class
The knowledge within a real-world problem or simulation using a VIP action.
Which one is the first web browser invented in 1990
Selling of new ideas to allow the public to test the ideas themselves.
what is cooperative learning?
An educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences
Is one in which the teacher takes on the role of facilitator and guides the student to more independent learning
Good questions, in order to get good answers.
Mac operating system in developed by which Company
Making spontaneous connecting among ideas, thus generating interesting and new ideas.
Cooperative learning is a :
Student-Centered approach to teaching
There is a departure from traditional worksheet, read-and-answer, drill-and- practice activities.
SCL Classroom
This is the idea against the original criteria and for feasibility.
Where is the headquter of Microsoft located
what kind of key task to develop creativity that the students themselves will be allowed to generate their own ideas on the project?
THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL SUPPORT within cooperative learning is fostered by
John Dewey
It is engaging students with connected tools to help them reach potential.
Teaching and Learning