True or False
John Locke believed that powerful kings were necessary for a functioning Government
What is a Region?
an area that is defined by common shared characteristics
What is a Formal Region?
Are Well-Defined Boundaries with shared characteristics that is common throughout the region. For example…
The State of Maine
in Iran, most laws are based on the Islamic religious beliefs of their rulers. This type of government is called
What type of government was the Kingdom of Bron?
Who believed that all humans are naturally born greedy and selfish,
Thomas Hobbes
Provide an example of Social Characteristics of a Region
Social Characteristics: Characteristics involving Human interactions including
- Social classes
- Religion and belief systems
- Race, gender, sexuality, age, etc.
Provide an example of a Perceptual Region
Perceptual Region: A geographic area that people define on their sense of place and cultural identity For Example…
The American South
Silicon Valley
The French Riviera
Every six years, voters in Mexico elect a candidate for President. The Chamber of Representatives is comprised of five hundred members who are elected every three years. There is a healthy judicial branch that oversees law. What type of government is this?
Rights that everyone is born with
Natural rights
Life, Liberty and Property
Provide two examples of Economic Characteristics of a Region
Economic Characteristics: Characteristics involving Resources and how we get them, and how we share them. For example...
jobs, trade, money
food and other needed resources
Provide two examples of a Functional Region
a shopping mall, school, airport
in 1964, the Brazilian president João Goulart was overthrown by a military coup, ending the Fourth Brazilian Republic. The Brazilian military would take power and control the country until 1985. Castelo Branco, was a military leader who suppressed the people's civil liberties. What kind of new government did Castelo Branco initiate?
What would happen if there was no government?
who believed that all people were born with natural rights?
John Locke
Many people from States such as Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina identify as Southerners. What type of region is this?
Perceptual Region
The state of Texas is an example of which kind of region?
Formal Region
In North Korea, the government suppresses freedom of speech and civil liberties. Anyone who speaks out against the government can be sentenced to harsh labor, long prison sentences or even death. What kind of Government is this?
What is Government?
Government is a system of rules and laws to keep order in a society.
What type of government would Thomas Hobbes prefer?
provide at least two examples of Political Characteristics
Political Characteristics: Characteristics involving Government laws, and power, includes
How leaders are chosen and what they can do.
What laws exist and how they work
What rights and responsibilities do people have in a civilization
Going to the mall and shopping is an example of this type of region...
Functional Region: A Geographic area that is organized around a central point, called a Node where people interact for a specific purpose, like shopping, commuting, or accessing a service
What is the difference between Direct democracy and a Represenative democracy
A Direct Democracy is a government in which citizens make the rules themselves.
A Representative Democracy is government like ours in which people elect leaders to make laws for them.
Voting is an example of...
a) Social Characteristic
b) Political Characteristic
c) Economic Characteristic
Political Characteristics: Characteristics involving Government laws, and power, including
How leaders are chosen and what they can do.
What laws exist and how they work
What rights and responsibilities do people have in a civilization