What is the average reccomended daily value?
(food boxes follow this average)
Reccomended daily allowance is commonly know as..
If you want to calculate how many calories you are eating by looking at a food label, do you have to do math?
What is body image?
The way you feel about your body or the way you look.
Energy balance is..
"The balance of calories consumed through eating and drinking compared to calories burned through physical activity"
What are macronutrients?
Nutrients taken in larger amounts or quantities.
(if you said big nutrients, deduct 50 points.)
True or False: Food sensitivity is life threating.
Focusing on what you like about yourself is a way to...
Develop a positive body image.
What is the smallest food group on MyPlate?
What is nutrition?
"The process of taking in food and using it for energy".
Food manufacturers HAVE to list common allergens that may be in the food.
Yes, Food manufacturers must state on their labels if foods contain any of these common allergens.
Can body image affect my relationships with others?
What someone eats and drinks is...
Energy In
Protein is a Macronutrient. (True or False?)
What are some of the most common allergies?
(you don't have to list ALL, but list at least 2)
Peanuts, Eggs, Soy, Tree nuts, Shellfish, Fish, Wheat, and Milk.
If I have a bad body image, I am at risk of developing an...
Eating Disorder (or depression)
A dietician is...
A person that is authorized to treat specific health conditions, such as diabetes and eating disorders, by recommending foods to clients.
What is the average Recommended Daily Allowance for teenage girls?
(bonus: List the teenage boy's RDA average too!)
1,800-2,400 a day
(bonus: 2,000-3,200 a day)
The calorie number on a food label is not for the whole thing, its just for the...
Serving Size
Avoiding comparing myself to others by how they look is a good or bad thing to do for my body image?