What are the 3 SINGULAR subject pronouns in French
Je, tu , il/elle/on
How do you say I am in French
Je suis
How do you say the binder in French
Le classeur
" I eat at the cafeteria "
Je mange à la cantine
The library in French
La bibliothèque
What is the subject pronoun for " Nadine et moi "
How do you say you are ( plural ) in French
Vous êtes
How do you say " I have a pencil "
J'ai un crayon
What's the ending of " parler " with the subject pronouns " nous "
un ordinateur
What is the subject pronoun for " Nadine et toi "
How do you say we are in French
nous sommes
How do you say " It's a dictionary"
C'est un dictionnaire
The ending of the verb in -er with the subject pronouns " tu "
a student in French
un étudiant, une étudiante, un élève, une élève
What are the 3 plural subject pronouns
Nous / vous / ils/elles
How do you say they are in French ( feminin plural)
Elles sont
How do you say " These are books" in French
Ce sont des livres
J'étudie, tu étudies, il/elle/on étudie, nous étudions, vous étudiez, ils/elles étudient
The classroom in French
La salle de classe
What is the subject pronouns for " Nick et Sophie"
Conjugate the verbe Être in present tense.
Je suis, tu es, il/elle/on est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils/elles sont
How do you say " a backpack" in French
How do you conjugate the verb " MANGER" in the present tense.
Je mange, tu manges, il/elle/on mange, nous mangeons, vous mangez, ils/elles mangent.
The chalk in French
La craie