Vision / Exercise
Healthy Eating / Medications
Fall Recovery/ Home Safety
Resources/ Footwear/ Bone Health
Memory/ Outdoors

What is one example of a cardiovascular exercise?

Marching in place, brisk walking, recumbent biking, swimming, dancing...

Name the food groups

grain products, vegetables/fruit, protein & fat.


The proper way to get up from a fall


—Do not get up quickly

—Find something sturdy (furniture)

—Roll onto your side turning your head, shoulders, hips then leg.


—Push your upper body up: lift your head, pause and steady yourself

—Rise slowly onto your hands and knees, crawl to something sturdy to hold on to.

—Slide one foot forward- flat on floor(try to use your stronger foot).


—Keep the other leg bend

—Rise slowly and turn your body to sit in the chair.

—Sit for a few minutes.

—Call for help if you need it.


Name 2 Community Resources you found interesting 

- Lifeline

- lCommunity Navigation and Access Program because of the different services available to help with independent living ie: Meals on Wheels, social work, Caregiver services, counselling and support


How often should you exercise?

Cardio= 150 minutes moderate intensity a week

strength/balance= 2-3 times a week

flexibility= everyday


What should a healthy plate look like?

Half vegetables and fruit, a quarter whole grain, a quarter protein with some healthy fats.


What is the proper height for a cane or walker?

wrist height when arm hanging down by side.


Why is monitoring the condition of our feet important?

To identify any symptoms that can contribute to a fall so it can be addressed

To routinely check the health of the feet

To check for any changes that needs medical assessment


How do we monitor how hard we are exercising?

Heart rate (10-20 bpm above resting) 


rate of perceived exertion scale (somewhat hard-hard = 4-5/10 )


How many medications increase risk for falling significantly?

A minimum of three can interact with each other to cause falls


When falling forward/backward/sideways what is one thing to remember?

protect your head!


What is Osteoporosis and how is it diagnosed?

A condition that cause bones become fragile, thinner, and are more likely to break because of 

Diagnosed through Bone mineral density (BMD) scan, combined with an assessment of risk factors

—scans are similar to an x-ray - they are very safe and painless


What are some things to look out for when outdoors to prevent falls?

Be aware of cracks, holes and uneven surfaces that can cause you to trip

Alert of traffic and road signs to ensure safety

Consider the weather and the hazards they may bring such as ice, wet leaves and puddles.


What are the different types of exercises called?

cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and balance


What are examples of side effects from a medication that can increase risk of falls?


Frequent Urination




What places in the home are “hot spots” for falls and why?

Bathroom - without bath mats or grab bars can cause you to slip or have a hard time getting up

Kitchen - high shelves can cause loss of balance if you're trying to reach for something. Presence of spills

Stairs - if made of hardwood and no safety grips can cause slips


What is osteoarthritis? How does it affect balance?

Degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone. The loss of cartilage in joint causes loss of stability.


How does our memory affecting falls?

- You may forget to take your medications or take too much

- May forget to wear appropriate clothing when going outside.

- Not use gait aids as needed.

- Forget all the strategies discussed during the program


List 3 risk factors for falls?

—3 of the following:

Reduced visual acuity and slower dark adaptation

—Balance impairment

—Loss of muscle mass and strength and increased fatigability

—Slower reaction time


—Increased Body Sway

—Reduced walking speed with irregular gait pattern



What type of questions should you be asking your doctor when you are prescribed new medication?

What is it for?

What side effects it may cause?

How does it interact with my other medications?

How do I take it and for how long?


 List 3 ways to make your home safer for you.

Declutter your space

Use the right tools with - gait aids, grab bars, stools, assist trays to help you.

Have proper lighting.Make sure furniture is the appropriate for you, not too high. within reach.


What are 3 important things to remember about proper footwear?

- The right balance between flexibility and stability to provide enough control with movement and support

- The right fit - not too tight not too lose

- low heel with a wider base to maintain proper balance

- Using the right type of orthotics as recommended by a professional.
