Throw it in the rubbish ...
rubbish bin
Trick or treat!
on halloween day
Please learn this poem by heart / head.
learn by heart
What is at the end of everything?
I like going to strange countires, especially to France and Italy.
foreign countires
Your date and ... of birth are in your passport
place of birth
I do!
at a wedding ceremony
Turn the music down / quieter!
turn down
I'm your brother but you are not my brother. Who am I?
you're my sister
Russia is famous its rich culture and literature
famous for
What's the exchange ... for the dollar?
exchange rate
I'm just looking, thanks
in a shop
Can you give me a help / hand with the bookcase?
give a hand
A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?
the river is frozen
I've just seen two mice in the garage!
yep! correct!
When you work 20 hours a week you work ...- time
work part time
Single or return?
at a bus/ train ticket office
Does tuesday at 6 pm suit / fit you?
There is a word in the English language in which the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four signify a great man, and the whole word, a great woman. What is the word?
a person who designs new buildings is an architect
The person who helps you book your holiday is a ... agent
travel agent
an aisle seat or a window seat?
at the check in at the airport
Don't believe her. She was just pulling your arm / leg!
pulling your leg
Name 4 days that start with T
Tuesday, Thursday, today, tomorrow
Does this test result effect your final mark?