What is Hamd a combination of?
Praise and gratitude
Dua when in Sajda
Which ayah is known as the greatest ayah of the Quran?
Ayat ul Kursi
What is the most noble of Allah’s names?
Who is this surah talking about?
The elite of the Quraysh
What is the first name Allah uses to describe himself in surah Fatiha
Dua when removing clothes
What are two of Allah’s most grand names that are mentioned in this ayah?
الحي القيوم
How is Allah As-Salaam?
He is Free of Defect and makes us feel secure. No evil is attributed to him
What is Maun? Give some examples of things that are Maun
Small kindnesses/necessities. Ex: pencils, sharpeners, markers, hairpins, etc.
What is the difference between Rahman and Raheem
Rahman: extreme, right now, temporary, everyone
Raheem: permanent, may not be used right now and only believers
Dua upon sneezing and reply
Alhamdulillah Yarhamukullah Yahdikumullahu was Yuslihu Balakum
What are the virtues of ayat ul kursi?
Guarantee of Jannah if you recite it after every Fard salah and a protection for the night if you recite before bed
How is Allah Al-Mutakabbir?
He is justly proud as although we should not be arrogant as there is always someone better than us, no one is better than Allah
Something is يُرَآءُونَ (Yuraoon) when:
One group is trying to be seen by another
What does Ad-Deen mean?
It is a loan you have to repay from which you receive payment or punishment
Dua when looking into a mirror
Allāhumma kamā ahsanta khalqee fahassin khuluqee
Explain what is al-Hayy and what is al-Qayyum
Al-Hayy: absolute, perfect and complete source of life
Al-Qayyum: perfect and complete maintainer of everything
How is Allah Al-Quddoos?
He is the Pure/Holy/Blessed. He is the source of Barakah and is Pure from all bad traits
What are some reasons why it is good to do charity and share with others?
It suppresses the anger of Allah
It protects you from evil
It gives you good deeds
It gets you to Jannah
Allah (swt) will give you more
What does the word رب (Rabb) entail?
Malik: the Owner; Sayyid: Incharge; Murabbe: Caretaker; Mun'in: Giver of Gifts; Muqayyim: Maintainer
Dua in Tashahhud
At-tahiyyatu lillahi was-salawaatu wat-tayyibaatu, as-salaamu ‘alayka ayyun-Nabiyyu wa
rahmatul-llahi wa barakaatuhu, *** as-salaamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibaadil-laahis- saaliheen ***
Ash-hadu al-laa- ilaaha- illal-laahu- wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh.
What is the difference between the Kursi and Arsh (throne) of Allah? How is the size different?
Kursi is the foundation and Arsh is the throne
Abu Dhaar asked the prophet about the kursi,and the prophet answered that the seven heavens and Earth compared to the kursi of Allah is like a ring being dropped into a desert. And the size of the actual throne is as if the kursi was the ring, and the desert is the throne of Allah
Give me 10 names that can found in Surah Hashr (22-24)
Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem, Al-Malik, Al-Quddoos, As-Salaam, Al-Mu’min, Al-Muhaymin, Al-Azeez, Al-Jabbar, Al-Mutakabbir, Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari, Al-Musawwir, Al-Hakeem
What are the crimes the elite of Makkah would do according to this Surah?
Drive away the orphan, dont encourage feeding the poor, they deny the Day of Judgement, they are heedless in prayer, they show off, and they dont share even the smallest kindnesses