What does Qalam mean
The Pen
What is the shortest Surah in the Quran
Surah al-Kawthar
Who was the last Prophet
Muhammad SAW
Who was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Khadijah RA
How many continents are there on Earth?
What does Allah say about the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Surah Al-Qalam?
What is the longest surah in the Quran
Surah al-Baqarah
Which Prophet could interpret dreams
Yusuf AS
Who was with the Prophet SAW in the cave of Thawr
Abu Bakr RA
What is the capital city of France?
What are the two ways Qarun might have gotten his money
Treasure, Haram income
What is the worst possible sin in this world?
Who were the sons of Ibraheem AS?
The Prophet SAW said that this mountain is a part of Jannah on earth
Jabal Uhud
Which gas do we breathe that is essential for our survival?
Recite From the given Ayah
What was the first creation of Allah
The pen
Who was the father of Yusuf AS
Yaquub AS
Who was the richest Sahaba
Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awf
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
What is the main theme of the 3 parts of Surah Al-Qalam
Leadership, having good character, only doing things for Allah.
Surah al-Mulk
Which Prophet will stand on the day of judgment by himself (one man Ummah)
Prophet Ibraheem AS
What did the Prophet SAW say about the person who takes care of the Orphan?
They will like this with him (SAW) in Jannah (holding two fingers up)
What is brother Qasims Last name?