Whats edelyn favorite color??
Royal Blue
Who is #1 galzed person??
Lebon bon
Whats the place called where you can eat anything u want??
Whats 536+100
What is always in front of you but cant be seen.
The future
What will be my prom color this year
A. Dark green
B. Royal blue
Royal blue.
Fill in the blank
Ermm what the....
SIGMA!!!!!!! by squidwerd
What common foof place can they make the food in front of u?(name 2)
Whats 10+10?
20 ofc
What can you break,even if you never pick it up or touch it?
a promise
How many siblings does edelyn have
she has 4.
Who do you stick ur gyatt out for??
the rizzler(im sorry)
Whats the most expensive pizza place(basically)
Dominos Pizza
Whats 234+7
What can you catch but not throw?
A cold.
At what time was edelyn born?
A.5:36 AM
B.12:00 PM
A. 5:36 AM
What youtuber says there 2 steps ahead??
Nickacado avacado
Whats the most common apetizers to eat in a mexican place.
Guacmole and chips.
11 im not even wrong fr.
What has to be broken beofre you can use it?
An egg
What shoes do i mostly wear when going out?
A. jordan 4's
B. Panda dunks
B. Panda dunks
What song was played at the Tik Tok rizz party??
That will be Carnival
What country has the most random food
Im tall when im younge, and im short when im old.. what am i??
A candle.