This game first introduced Mario.
What is Donkey Kong?
this is the strongest pokemon.
what is Arceus ?
north Carolina tar heels #0
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nirvana drummer
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this animal can sleep 3 years without waking up.
what is a snail?
This character's real name is yoshi t. saurmunchakoopas
what is yoshi?
this pokemon's Pokedex number is #25.
who is Pikachu?
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#14 best drummer
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number of dogs that survived the titanic.
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this place first introduced Mario land
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the inventor of pokemon
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2020 NFL #1 draft pick
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mario was invented by this person.
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lake trio gaurdians
uxie, azelf, and mesprit
ranked #21 on March 5,2025
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this drummer, 5th best, died at the age of 90.
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this character was first seen in 1985.
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this drummers mom was a tennis player
who is Lars Ulrich?
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