When Juliet says, "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" what is she really asking?
Why does your name have to be Romeo?
What does Romeo compare Juliet to when he first sees her?
The sun
Why is it a problem that Romeo and Juliet love each other?
Their families are enemies.
What is Juliet doing when she first appears in this scene?
Standing on her balcony, unaware Romeo is there
Juliet says, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." What does she mean?
Names don’t change who we are.
Juliet says, "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." What does she mean?
A name does not change a person’s value.
How does Romeo get into trouble by sneaking into Juliet’s garden?
If he’s caught, he could be killed.
How would removing the stage directions affect this scene?
It would be harder to understand their emotions and movements.
Romeo says, "With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls." What is he comparing love to?
Wings that help him fly.
Romeo wishes to be something Juliet is wearing so he can be close to her. What is it?
A glove on her hand
What does Juliet mean when she says, "If they do see thee, they will murder thee"?
If her family finds Romeo, they will try to kill him.
How does the nighttime setting help create the mood?
It adds secrecy, romance, and danger.)
What tragic theme is foreshadowed in Juliet’s line, "It is too rash, too unadvis’d, too sudden"?
Love can be dangerous and lead to tragedy.
Romeo compares his love to an ocean, saying, "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep." What does this metaphor suggest?
His love is endless and deep.
Juliet tells Romeo, "If that thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow." What is she asking?
If you’re serious about love, let’s get married.
What might a director do to show Juliet’s uncertainty and hesitation?
Have her pause, look away, or hesitate before speaking.
uliet tells Romeo not to swear by the moon because it is always changing. What is she worried about?
That his love might change, too.
This character is calling Juliet from inside the house.
Who is the nurse?
Why might their love be dangerous?
They are rushing into love, and their families will not approve.
How does Shakespeare use stage directions to make the scene more intimate?
Juliet is above, Romeo is below, emphasizing longing and separation.